Chaotic, but Eventful

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I sighed as I felt the hot water of the shower run down my back. Lennox had given me the smallest sized mens pants in N.E.S.T. and a plain black hoodie. My current clothes were being washed and dried right now. At least some people here were hospitable.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think everyone here is mean. It's just that I'm not used to strict people along with a strict life style. Joining the military would be my worst nightmare.

I shook my head and washed the rest of the conditioner out of my air. Now is not the time to think about ridiculous things like that. I shut the water off and stepped out of the shower, throwing a towel onto myself. My hair really needed to be combed.

The comb felt good as I ran it through my boyish pixie cut. I'm glad I decided to cut it. It's not as hard to brush through and doesn't require much styling. Sorry, I'm getting off-topic here.

I threw on the clothes Lennox had given me. The hoodie was way too big on me while the cameo pants were maybe a foot too long. Seriously?! Oh well. I rolled up the pants to my ankles and shoved on the combat boots that I had also received. They were a little big, but I'd have to make do for now.

The steam from the shower exited the large bathroom as I stepped into the main locker room. Countless lockers stood in perfect lines all over the room. The lights looked dreary as well as the rest of the room. Is it just me, or does everything in the base seem a bit white and plain? Nobody? Okay then.

I stepped out of the locker room and started walking towards where I last saw the Autobots. To be honest, I was kind of curious about what things they did off-screen. Did they train all day? Probably not, but I still wanted to know. The sliding door opened as I approached the room and I stepped in.


My eyes widened and I ducked as something exploded behind me. What the heck? Ironhide was currently yelling at Sideswipe who had some sort of weapon in his servo. Bumblebee glanced at me, then the two bickering Autobots. He covered his eyes with part of his mask in embarrassment.

I was confused as what to say. This wasn't what I was expecting them to do in their free time.

"A-Are you o-ok-kay?" Bumblebee asked through the radio, stepping over to me with worry in his widened optics.

I nodded, but was still shocked. "Yeah...what just happened?"

"Blame Side-Screw-Off for that little stunt." Ironhide spat angrily. "Idiot."

"Hey, I'm just trying to help out here, bud." Sideswipe retorted.

I've had just about enough of this. "KNOCK IT OFF!" I screamed, gaining their attention. "You're in the middle of a war and you're fighting with each other! You can't afford to do that! With your small numbers, we can't afford a civil war with each other! So please, just stop fighting!"

Bumblebee looked down at me while Ironhide and Sideswipe began to chat with each other quietly. The black and yellow Camaro nodded at me. I looked up and gave him a tiny smile.

"Max? The interrogation is about to start."

Epps entered the room, completely ignoring the charred blast impact on the metal wall. Was it really time already? I sighed.

"See you later, Bumblebee." I gave the scout a goodbye. "You guys, too."

The black GMC Topkick and the silver Corvette Stingray stole a glance at me before returning to their work. I walked beside Epps towards the room they were going to interrogate me in. This should be a load of fun.



"Maxine Pitcher." I replied.

"Where are you from?" The shady man asked me.

"A different dimension." I answered simply.

"How did you get here?" The man continued.


At this point, I didn't know what to say anymore. Lennox and Epps promised me they wouldn't let them take me to an asylum, but I was starting to question their promise.

"What do you know of this current dimension?" He continued to question me.

I stopped myself from groaning. You're killing me, here! I began to tell him all I knew about N.E.S.T., the Autobots and Decepticons, Sector 7, and so on. I made sure to leave out the future details as well as anything that could change the movie. Megatron needs to kill Optimus and all the events in Egypt had to take it's course, no matter how much I wanted to save Optimus, Wheelie, Jetfire, Ironhide, and so many others.

The interrogation lasted longer than I had anticipated, and I was waiting for the people in charge to either lock me up or swear secrecy to the knowledge of this facility. Who knows what they would do to me.

I stepped out of the room and into the hallway where Epps and Lennox were waiting patiently for me. "Did it go okay?" Lennox asked me.

"I told them what I knew without giving anything away." I stated bluntly.

The brunette man didn't say anything after that question, but he held out a familiar black backpack. "The Autobots found this and asked me to give this back to you." Epps told me as I took it. "I hope this is yours."

I unzipped the backpack and immediately recognized the contents. My skateboard was still in there along with my headphones and iPod 5. It also held a somewhat medium-sized stuffed animal and a plain travel mug. At least I still had a few things from home.

"Yeah, this is definitely mine." I told Epps. I couldn't help but grin widely.

"No problem." The African American smirked. "We should show you to your room."

I put my arms through the straps of the back pack and followed the two men to what they called my room. We ended up in a small area that had a few bathrooms and spare bedrooms that were a little small. Lennox opened the door to a room at the end of the hallway.

"Here it is." Epps said, encouraging me to go inside.

The room was a plain white and had a small window with open blinds that overlooked the Autobot's main room that I was in twice before. It also had a small dresser, a nightstand, and a twin-sized mattress that fit in a small bed. The only lights in the room were on the ceiling. I recognized the T5 lighting fixtures my dad has in his garage. So...homey....

"This will be your current room until we figure out a way to send you back." Epps continued, snapping me out of all the details I was storing inside my brain. "But anyway, I think it's time you go to sleep. You've had a long day."

I merely nodded, agreeing with him. "Yeah. Thank you for everything you offered me today." I thanked the two men.

Epps and Lennox said their good nights and I started unpacking the things from my bag with care. I leaned my skateboard against the wall and put my headphones and iPod on the nightstand. The travel mug was placed on top of the dresser and I found my charger in one of the pockets of my backpack.

I unzipped the hoodie and kicked off the combat boots, putting them next to the travel mug on top of the small dresser. One last thing was grabbed out of the bag and the empty backpack was thrown by my skateboard. I hopped onto the bed and looked out the window to see the Autobots.

Bumblebee caught my eye and he noticed me looking at him because he waved. I waved back with a smile on my face. Optimus Prime was transforming into his vehicle mode, probably going into recharge soon. Nobody else joined him for the time being, but I had already looked away and went to go shut off the light.

It switched off and I got under the covers, holding on to my stuffed animal. The plushie was actually a caribou, as weird as it is. He doesn't have a name, but I guess that could wait until morning.

I closed the blinds and dozed off in my temporary new home.

A/N: yay! Finished the third chapter! Actually, seriously have a caribou plushie irl XD I love him and still don't have a name for him, but I might possibly name him after one of Santa's reindeer! Anywho, it's almost 1am here, so I should go to sleep. Buh-bye! :3

<3 Doctor Universe

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