Different Reality

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My eyes shot open. What happened? Was I dead? Where am I? All these thoughts swirled in my brain. I failed to notice all the soldiers pointing their guns at me.

When I finally gained full control of my well-being, I noticed the soldiers. "W-Wait!" I cried. "Don't shoot!"

The soldiers grew stiff and I saw someone going past them. He or she finally made their way through and I couldn't believe my eyes. There stood William Lennox, or the actor. This wasn't real, was it?

Another man made his way through the crowd of the military. He was big and muscular. This man was also easily recognized as an African American. He was probably Epps. What the heck was going on here?

"I'm only giving you one chance to answer this question." 'Epps' began. "How did someone like you get all the way in here?"

His stern tone made me want to hide in a hole. I know that they're military officers, but could they be a little bit nicer about it?

"U-Um..." My social skills were lacking as of this moment. "W-Where is here?..."

I cringed after I spoke the simple, but idiotic sentence. Please don't yell at me! I didn't do anything!

Epps didn't yell, and neither did Lennox. They gave each other a look before speaking further.

"If you don't know where you are, did somebody drop you here?" Lennox asked me, trying to reason with me.

"No." I answered simply. "All I remember was being outside in the middle of a storm, and a tree fell on me. Then, I woke up here."

Epps had a look of distrust while Lennox had one of those confused looks only a child would have.

"If that's what happened, then why did you end up here?" Lennox continued.

I shrugged my shoulders and ran a hand through my wet hair. They probably thought I was crazy. Maybe I am crazy. I swear this place looks exactly like N.E.S.T.

"Don't freak out," I began. "But by any chance, am I in the N.E.S.T. base?"

"How'd you know?" Epps blurted with a semi-shocked look on his face.

"You'd think I was crazy if my suspicions are correct..." I admitted, not really wanting to answer the burly man's question.

"There's a lot of crazy things out there." Lennox told me. "I'd like to hear your suspicions."

I took a deep breath. "May I see at least one of the Autobots?"

The soldiers around me pointed their weapons at me, the clicking indicating that they were about to shoot. I covered myself up as best as I could, accidentally letting out a small cry of fright.

"Don't shoot me!" I pleaded. "I don't mean any harm! I promise!"

"Put your weapons down!" I heard Lennox's commanding voice boom.

I peeked out from my seemingly safe position to see what happened. The military put their guns down, just as they were ordered to. My arms fell into a relaxed position.

"Get up." Epps ordered. "We're going to take you to the Autobots."

I did exactly as I was told. My legs carried me directly right behind the two military officials and I tried to fall in step. They were much taller than they looked in the movies. Lennox and Epps were around the same height while I stood around five foot three. If they were this tall, then how tall were the Autobots? Aw man...

I always feel intimidated by someone's height for some reason. If I meet someone taller than me, I always feel like a nooby little seventh grader next to them. It's not a good feeling, even if I'm not as short as I feel.

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