Camping Gone Wrong

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Today, me and my family were going camping because Mom insisted on it. On my end, I didn't want to and just wanted to watch Netflix and eat Oreo's , but life is cruel like that. I packed my essentials and a few other things just in case. Dad had already started up the car.

"C'mon, Maxine!" Mom called from the bottom of the stairs. "We're leaving!"

"Coming!" I replied, zipping up my suitcase and grabbed my black backpack.

I tried to ignore the skateboard wheels hitting my head as I rushed down the stairs. There were more dreadfully urgent things to worry about. With a pack of strawberry Pop Tarts in hand, I rushed out the door and shut it.

Mom and Dad watched me as I threw my luggage into the car and sat in the back of our Chevy van. The seatbelt clicked inside the weird plastic contraption. We were all set!

"All set?" Dad asked, already knowing the answer.

"Aye!" I replied goofily. The car backed out of the driveway and into the neighborhood street.


The road trip soon turned boring, even with my music playing into my ears. I got writers block and no more Pop Tarts. Darn it.

"How much longer until we get there?" I dared to ask my Dad.

"Not too long." He answered simply. Drat.

That isn't an answer!, I thought with annoyance.

But soon enough, trees came into view. They were large and could possibly be maple trees, though I wasn't sure. Science was hard on me when we got to the trees section in seventh grade.

I estimated that we would be at the camping grounds in at least an hour. We couldn't be sure, though. Some of these roads were really twisted and had a lot of sharp turns. Hopefully my old van could handle it.

The headphones were back on my head and I was jamming out when my parents rudely yelled at me. Oh. Apparently, the car stopped. I knew that!

I put my iPod and headphones back into my backpack and jumped out into the summer atmosphere. My short hair blew along with the warm breeze.

"Hurry up!" Dad yelled at me. "It's gonna rain soon!"

I looked up at the sky, he was right. Dark storm clouds covered the once blue, sunny sky. Shouldn't we get into actual shelter rather than a skimpy tent? Eh, better not question the drill sergeant.

"Coming!" I yelled, my backpack bouncing as I ran towards my parents.

Things didn't seem right. I stopped running for a minute to look at my surroundings. Rain fell from the sky in big wet drops and the high winds kicked in. Where should I go? I can't find my parents!

Mom and Dad were no where in sight, so I began to run through the trees, careful not to slip. The rain only fell harder and harder. Thunder boomed loudly from above me. I was scared.

The sky darkened to a pitch black up to the point where I couldn't see in front of me anymore. Lightning danced in the clouds and it struck a large tree in front of me. I skidded to a stop as the tree began to fall. All I could do was scream.

The tree fell on me and I blacked out.

A/N: BWAHAHAHA CLIFFHANGER. Okay, I'm writing this because I've had the idea in my head since yesterday. I wanted to make my own 'go to the Transformers dimension' thing, so I have done it. Anyway, I'm psyched at how many reads I've gotten in An Unlikely Band. Thanks people! :D
I will see you guys soon. Buh-bye!

<3 Doctor Universe

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