Four: Tokyo

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I ripped up the note I left for Rozuka. She was asleep the whole time. I got to sleep right away. I woke up as the sun was rising. She was just getting ready herself. I jumped up and got dressed right away. I made sure to dress for the weather and for the walking. There was a knock at the door. Because this was the last day, we were told we could wear casual clothes if we were already done the work. Rozuka opened the door.

"Is Hikari here?"

"Uh, Hikari, your group is here for you."

I grabbed my bag and ran to the door. I smiled seeing the two. "You're looking happy." I told them both.

"We're going to Tokyo Tower, of course we're happy. We've been waiting to do this for a while now."

"I get it. This will be my first time going as well. So, shall we get going?"

"Hey, wait, my group is going too. Why don't we all go together?"

Sakurayashiki shrugged and Nanjo smiled. "Sure. I don't mind."

Despite being up early, the line was huge. We had to wait for hours. When we eventually got to the elevator, all the girls swarmed to Nanjio, saying they were scared. I couldn't help by roll my eyes at that. I stood next to Sakurayashiki. He turned to me, shocked.

"Are you afraid of heights?"

"Why would you say that?"

He looked down at my legs, which were trembling. "You're hiding it well, but your legs are shaking and you're pushing your finger nails into hands."

"I'm fine. It's nothing."

Getting to the top, Rozuka and I walked around. Sakurayashiki followed around Nanjo, who was still covered in women. Rozuka screamed slightly when she looked down at my hands. "Hikari, you're bleeding!"


Sakurayashiki and Nanjo both turned to me. "Sorry ladies, but I've got to go."

"But we're scared."

Nanjo was being held back by a group of girls. Sakurayashiki grabbed my hands right away, wrapping them up in some gauze from my bag. "Why are you doing this? If you're scared, that's okay..."

"I'm not scared. Rin Hikari is not scared of heights. That's an irrational fear. The fear itself, if anything, would be of falling from this height, but the building is perfectly safe so there is no fear."

"This is bad. We'll need to get you to the medics."

Rozuka shook her head. "I don't understand. You were perfectly fine on the roof at school."

"You really aren't afraid of heights then? Why are you so afraid then?"

I looked away, teeth clenched. "I'm fine."

He stepped back, putting his hands up. "Whatever you say."

"I'm sorry for snapping. That's unlike me."

"You seem upset. I won't push any further."

Nanjo finally got out of the crowd of girls. He rushed over to us. "Hikari, are you okay?"

"Just fine."

A man walked over to the group. "Is there a problem here?"

There was a gasp. "That's Emilio-Rintaro Hikari. He's that super hot guy who married into that rich family."

He looked to me. As always, he spoke to me in Italian. "Rin, what's going on here? Has something happened?"

"My nails cut my hand. That's all."

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