Eight: Healing

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Rozuka and I were silent on our walk to school. We met Kojiro and Sakurayashiki by the front of the school. "Thanks for yesterday. You really saved the stupid Gorilla. I didn't even think about challenging him myself."

"It's fine."

Kojiro smiled. "Are you feeling any better?"

"No, she's not." Rozuka spoke up for me. "Just leave her alone. You shouldn't have involved her to begin with. Now she's hurt again."

I rushed ahead and into class. I was surprised to see Momma there waiting for me. "There you are..."


"Your papa told me about Ainosuke. I'm not too proud, but his aunts assure me it will not happen again. I think you should continue being with him. That is, unless there's something you'd like to tell me."

"Even if I did love someone else, it wouldn't matter."

She shook her head. "What does that mean?"

"Exactly what it sounds like."

Kojiro, Sakurayashiki and Rozuka walked in. Momma got angry this time. "If you're in love with someone, that does matter to me. It may not seem like it right now, but it does. I married for love and you should have a chance to as well."

"I doubt that's going to happen."

"I know what I said before, but your Papa seems to think it's best if you choose. And I know how much you don't like your current fiancé."

"Don't like? I hate him. I hate him with everything that I am, but Momma, you're not understanding. You're not listening."

"I'm trying to listen."

Sakurayashiki noticed my hands. "Hikari, you're doing it again."

"Oh..." my hands were bleeding. "I suppose this isn't an affective way to change my thinking. That doesn't matter though, because I haven't changed my mind yet. Momma, I don't want to talk about this any more. I will deal with things my way."

"You are my daughter. Very well then. I'll be off."

I sat down at my desk. Rozuka rushed to me. "Your hands..."

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not! What's going on with you?"

Sakurayashiki wrapped my hands again. "You must be insane. Racing Adam and then continuing to marry someone you don't love... I thought you wanted your own choice."

"I will, but who I'm engaged to will not let me go so easily. I need to make it so he doesn't want me. Otherwise some people I care about could get really hurt."

"Why did you race Adam?" Kojiro asked. "And don't tell me it was because Kaoru asked you to, because I know that's not true. I thought you couldn't skate very well."

"I can't, but some things are more important. I know for a fact Adam wouldn't have let you out of that unscathed. If I didn't go against Adam, you could have been shoved off a cliff or worse. He cheats, you know that. That's why Sakurayashiki called me to stop you. You would not have made it out. We were all worried you'd die."

He nodded. "Adam Isnt who he used to be. You did save me. Which is ironic, because I'm suppose to be protecting you."

"You were doing it to protect me, but you were so focused on me, that you didn't see the dangers to yourself. It happens sometimes. It just means you're a good person."

Some girls from another class came in. "Nanjo! Are you skating this morning?"

"Yeah, we want to watch you skate again!"

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