Chapter 28

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I was sitting on my bed scrolling through Instagram the day after the wedding when I get a call from my manager.

Linda: " Abby?"

You: " yes?"

Linda: " hi, so I just got off the phone with vogue and they wanted to know if you would like to be on the cover."

You: " what?!"

Linda" ya, um they want to meet with you on Tuesday to go over some details and then the shoot will be on Friday. They were also wondering if Tom would like to be in it with you."

You: " I'll ask him. But omg I think I'm gonna die! VOGUE!!!!"

Linda: " well please try to stay alive, at least until Friday."

You: " I'll try. K I have to go bye thank you!"

Tom was gonna be here any second and I can't wait. We have a few very important relationship things to talk about but besides that it's all just gonna be normal.

Just then he ran through the door and crawled onto my lap.

You: " hi."

I said laughing.

Tom: " hello my beautiful girlfriend."

He said into my tummy. I grabbed his face and made him look up at me.

You: " I have some news."

Tom: " oooo, what is it?"

You: " this Thursday and Friday I am going to be doing a shoot with vogue. To be on the cover."

Tom: " no way!!! Darling that's incredible!"

You: " there's more.

I ran my fingers up and down his arm.

You: " and they want you to be one it with me?"

Tom: " is that what you want? Because I know that the cover of vogue is a big deal. So are you sure that you don't want to be on if alone?"

You: " I'm sure. I want to do it with you. It'll be fun."

He got up and placed both of his hands beside my head and leaned in with a devilish smile.

You: " what's that look for?"

Tom's POV

She slowly blinked and then looked into my eyes. I had control till she looked at me. And I could tell that she knew that I had no control over my next move.

When we were first together things just kinda happened naturally. When we were ready we we were ready and we wouldn't wait until people thought it was "acceptable" to say I love you, or to sleep together.

It all just happened. And now trying to make sure I don't make her feel used, or anything remotely close to that. I can tell by the she looks at me that she thinks of me differently. There isn't the same trust that there used to be. She doesn't seem as comfortable and at home. Like she cautious of every more she makes.

Tom: " are you ok? You seem off."

I placed my hand on her cheek. She didn't lean into it, she didn't kiss it. She just sat there looking down.

Tom: " Abby?"

You: " I just, I missed you, a lot, but my brain is splitting. The one side just wants to melt into you fully. And lose myself completely in us. But the other half is terrified of that. She's terrified of letting you in again because of what happened last time. When I showed up in london it was a spur of the moment thing. I didn't ever think I would do that. I didn't think it was what I wanted."

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