Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

His eyes were only open a small crack but in his dark brown orbs I could already see the smirk hidden within them that then slowly filled his lips. I couldn't help but feel relief, just seeing him awake seemed to make all my frustrations over the past several weeks worth it.

He was awake.

He was alright.

"Young." His voice was a little rough but he quickly cleared his throat before speaking again. "Never thought I'd see you in this hospital."

"What do you expect me to do when I find out that my best friend was in a plane crash?" I scoffed at his poor joke. "Should I leave? I could go sit outside the hospital if you'd prefer?"

"No, I like you right here. Derek see you yet?" He asked.

"I've been visiting him." I gave small nod, practically feeling the eyes of everyone outside the room burning into my back. "I've been here for a while. They even offered me a job here, a temporary one that is. Had my first surgery here and everything."

"You operated?" His eyes widened just the slightest, as if knowing that our interaction was being picked apart by his peers.

"Hey, it's not the first time that I have." I gently nudged him, pretending to be offended, though I understood his surprise. He knew how long it'd been since the last time I was the one holding the scalpel in an operating room. "Though I did get kicked out of my OR after freezing up halfway through surgery. That and I was on my way to turn in my scalpel when I heard that you'd woken up."

"Didn't you know, you're not supposed to keep the scalpels after surgery?" He tried to joke and, though it was a horrible joke, I gave a small laugh. It didn't matter if his jokes weren't funny right now, it just mattered that he was awake and still cracking them.

"Maybe that's why the others have been giving me strange looks." I tapped my chin, as though I were in deep thought. "Let's be serious though, how are you feeling? Any pain? Blurring vision? Trouble breathing? Headaches?"

"I already have a doctor Young, I don't need the third degree from you too." He rolled his eyes as I heard the door open behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see Meredith standing there, glancing between Mark and I as though she didn't understand something.

"Grey!" Mark grinned at Meredith. "What brings you here?"

"Derek wanted me to come and check on you myself." She seemed to hesitate on her own words as she spoke, as if she weren't sure on what to say. "I'll come back later though, after you two have time to catch up."

"Alright," Mark nodded as Meredith hurried back out of his hospital room, leaving us alone once again.

{Meredith's POV}

"Alright," Mark nodded as I made my way back out of his room and over to where the others were all standing, watching him and Howard talk with one another.

"Well, what'd you get?" Alex asked me.

"They stopped talking when I came in." I frowned slightly as I glanced back at the glass walled hospital room. "I did overhear Mark calling her Young, though."

"That's the name the nurses heard Mark saying before." Callie's eyebrows raised at my information.

"I thought she said her name was Brianna Howard?" April's brows drew together, clearly confused.

"She could have lied." Alex shrugged.

"It's possible," I agreed. "There's something familiar about the name 'Young', though, like I've heard it somewhere else before."

"If she's a friend of Shepard's then he could have mentioned her before?" Alex suggested. "Or maybe Sloan or Addison did?"

"Addison?" I questioned.

"She showed up here last night, I saw her and Howard go across the street to the bar together." He explained.

"No," I shook my head at the suggestions. "I'd remember if it was one them that mentioned her. I had to have heard it somewhere else before."

Sighing, I grabbed my charts from the counter and headed down the hallway again. There was only one person that could give me my answers and, hopefully, he'd talk this time.

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