Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

After sitting in Mark's room for an hour I couldn't take it anymore and had to leave. That was how I ended up where I was now, sitting in one of the stairwells, gripping a once hot cup of coffee in my hands that was now cold. I wanted to go back to Mark's room, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. I couldn't bring myself to go back and face him again, not when he was like this.

"Brianna?" I tensed when I heard someone calling my name from above. Slowly I glanced up to see Derek leaning over the railing one flight above me. As soon as I looked up he began coming down the stairs. Unlike the last time I had seen him he was no longer unshaven and sick looking. Now he looked better, the only sign that he'd been in the accident being the cast on his hand. It didn't take long before he was sitting down beside me on the stairs. "I heard that you got in today, why didn't you come and tell me?"

"He's so broken." I whispered, my voice sounding hollow and broken itself. "Last month he was laughing and joking around and now he's just- just broken. How could that have happened to him?"

"His heart just wasn't strong enough." He shook his head as he wrapped his good arm around my shoulder, pulling me to him in a side hug. "He kept talking to me about you, saying how I needed to pick my ass up and go to New York to apologize to you and then drag you back here. He hated it that you left. Hated that it was my fault even more."

"I'm sure he's happy now then, he has me here and crying over him again." I shook my head.

"I'm sure he's dancing on the inside." Derek chuckled in agreement.

"Then he needs to quit being lazy and get his ass up and dance for real." I muttered.

"Why don't we get you something to eat, and some warm coffee?" He suggested as he got back up to his feet, holding his good hand out to help me to my feet. I didn't take his hand though as I pushed myself up to my feet. Once I was standing upright I could see Derek's eyes trail down to my swollen stomach, causing his eyes to widen slightly at the sight of it. He looked back up to meet my gaze and opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off first.

"Just because Mark's sick, doesn't mean that I forgive you." I told him bluntly before heading out of the stairwell, leaving him behind as I went.


"I heard you were back." Karev said as he sat down across from me in the cafeteria as I ate a salad.

"Don't sound too excited." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I also heard that you're knocked up." He added, causing me to send him a sharp look. "What? Someone has to state the obvious instead of just going around and whispering it."

"Yes, but there are more appropriate ways to phrase it." I pointed out. "Knocked up isn't the best of sayings."

"Whatever." He took a large bite of his sandwich. "Who's the dad?"

"Do you want to know or did Derek tell you to figure it out?" I put my fork down, frowning at him as he looked at me with a raised brow.

"How'd you know?" He asked.

"Derek found out I was pregnant a couple hours ago and then you show up and ask about the baby's father. It isn't hard to piece together." I shook my head. "And as for the answer to your question, tell Derek to go and screw himself."

"I'm pretty sure that's what Grey is for." He took another bite of his sandwich.

"You're a pig." I told him.

"You're point?" He asked through a mouth full of food.

"Can you point out which intern is Brooks?" I glanced over at the table full of interns, recognizing Edwards and Murphy from assisting me with my surgery the last time I was here. With them though were several other interns, none of which I knew by name. "I'm assuming that you've done all of the girls."

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