Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty

"For the millionth time, Jo and I are not into each other." Karev insisted as he, Yang, Jackson, and I all got ready in the attending's lounge.

"How did we even get onto this subject again?" I asked the two men as I pulled my scrub top on over my bra, keeping my back turned to them. 

"While Yang and Hunt were going at it the two of them started making a bunch of animal noises at the kitchen ceiling." Jackson informed me.

"Oh, please." Yang scoffed at Karev's statement, just as Meredith came in. "You and ponytail-McGee were canines in heat last night. Literally."

"Told you they were doing it, Avery." Meredith told Jackson as she sat down on the couch. "Pay up."

"Just a question, does anyone at this hospital not fraternize with their coworkers?" I asked as I pulled on my scrub pants. With that done I sat down next to Meredith, pulling my shoes back on and retying the laces.

"Yeah, you." Yang nodded. At her comment I couldn't help but glance at Jackson to find him looking at me too. After I had agreed to go out on a date with him we had decided not to tell the others, wanting to see how things went before everyone started to get in our business. No one seemed to notice our shared look though as Yang went back to annoying Karev. "You two are one drink away from wild monkey sex. Just stuff her turkey. You'll feel better."

"I feel fine." Karev insisted as April walked in, freezing at the last part of Yang's comment, looking as though she were disturbed by this conversation. "Look, I'm not screwing my ex every night. And I'm not taking advantage on interns."

"I took Edwards to the wedding, that's it." Jackson shook his head. "Besides, even then April made me."

"Hey, Apes." Yang greeted the ginger, only seeming to notice her presence now.

"Hey, here's a question. Um, whatever happened to good old-fashioned romance?" She asked all of us. "No stuffing of turkeys, but, you know, what about nice normal dates where people talk, share a meal, get to know each other, and then wind up together, not because they're monkeys, but because they have genuine feelings in a committed way. I mean, what is so wrong with that, huh?"

"Are you gonna eat all of those?" Meredith questioned the multiple burritos in April's hands. April only shook her head and left again, not bothering to answer the question.


"Can I just say that I hate this cooperation that's planning to buy the hospital." I groaned as I tried to use the programmed tablet that they gave everyone to keep track of their patients. 

"And that is why you're not a candidate to be the face of the brand." Yang commented.

"Which I am more than happy not to be." I assured her.

"I hate this this thing. Every time I touch this thing, it deletes another patient." Meredith complained as she tried to use her own tablet.

"It deletes patients?" Yang raised a brow. 

"I did the exact same thing this morning." Wilson told Meredith as she took the tablet from her. "Here. Let me see..."

"Who are your stalkers?" Meredith asked Karev and Jackson. At her question I looked away from my tablet to see two people with cameras standing a few feet away.

"Oh, uh, the new guys are looking for a hospital show pony- a face for the brochure." Karev explained. 

"Yeah, Karev's my competition." Jackson added, causing me to roll my eyes. 

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