Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

"What took you so long?" Addison asked when she saw me turn the corner and head towards where she was standing in front of the elevators.

"I had to pee." I didn't bother putting any effort into my lie as the elevator doors opened and a few people stepped out. Once they were out we stepped in to find it empty. Addison hit the button for the ground floor before turning to look at me. Her eyes scanning over me again.

"So what have you been up to in Cali?" I asked to try and break the silence between us.

"Well, I've been working and I met this guy." She trailed off as a smile filled my lips at the new information.

"Not once during our phone calls have you ever mentioned a guy, spill!" I nudged her in the arm playfully as the elevator doors opened.

"There's not much to tell, honestly. His name's Jake. I meet him a while ago and we just sort of flirted with one another until he got a job at Seaside Wellness." She told me as we walked through the lobby with her arm looped through mine and out into the night. I didn't bother trying to figure out where exactly we were going, letting her lead the way. "Then after I adopted Henry-"

"Wait a second, you adopted a kid and you never told me about that either?!" I could feel my eyes widen at the news. I couldn't help but actually feel a little hurt that she hadn't told me any of this before.

"Yes, one of my patients was putting him up for adoption and wanted me to adopt him, so I did. Well, the adoption isn't finalized yet but it will be soon." Addie informed me. "After that it wasn't long before Jake and I became serious and he moved in with me. Not much has happened since then, though I did try proposing to him."

"Let me get this straight, the amazing Dr. Addison Montgomery is now a mother and a soon to be wife?" I couldn't help but laugh a little bit as we crossed the street and she led me into a small bar that was crowded inside. "I feel sorry for this poor man."

"Very funny," she rolled her eyes as we found two empty seats at the bar and took them before anyone else could.

"Do my eyes deceive me or is that Addison?" The bartender grinned as he came over to where we were seated at the bar.

"Hey there Joe." Addie chuckled as she smiled at the man.

"When did you get back in town?" He asked her.

"Just today, I'm only here for a little while though." She gestured to me. "I had to come and congratulate my friend on her new job across the street."

"It's just temporary." I reminded her.

"How about two drinks, on the house?" Joe offered as he pulled two glasses out from behind the bar. "What will it be?"

"I'll take my usual." Addison told him before they both looked at me, waiting for me to give my drink order.

"I'll have a vodka, no ice." I told him. He nodded before he poured both of our drinks and handed them to us before going to take care of other customers.

"Didn't think you'd ever drink something like that." Addie nodded to my glass of vodka as she took a sip of her drink. "I always thought that when you started drinking that you'd stick to softer drinks like wine and beer. Never thought you'd touch the stronger stuff."

"There's a lot that you don't know about me." I shrugged as I took a sip of my own drink. The strong taste burned the back of my throat as I swallowed it, making me want to cough but I didn't let myself. When it went down it wasn't long before I felt a warm feeling flow through me.

"Exactly, and that's what we're here to change." She nodded, her face becoming more serious as I took another drink. "So tell me, what have you been up to for the past, what, seven years?"

"About," I nodded as I thought about my life since Addison had followed Derek off to Seattle, Mark not far behind her. "Not much, just work and more work."

"Come on Bria, I know that your life can't be that boring." She called my lie. "What are you hiding in that little head of yours?"

"Nothing," I shook my head. "Tell me about Henry. What's it like being a mom?"

"Nope, your not getting out of it. Talk." She persisted, not letting the topic of my life drop that easily. I frowned as I quickly downed what was left of my drink in one go. I put the glass back down on the bar and signaled Joe for a second one, which he quickly gave me. "Bria, just talk to me. Like old times."

"It's not the old times though Addie." I pointed out as I quickly downed the second one, with Joe refilling my glass as soon as it hit the counter. "Things have changed, we've changed. You, Derek, Mark, and I; we've all changed."

"Bria-" she began but I cut her off.

"It's the truth." I downed my fourth glass. Joe went to refill it again but Addie shook her head and he went to the other customers again, leaving my glass empty. "We've all changed. You have a kid. Derek is married and has a kid. Mark, he had his first serious relationship in, well forever, and is now fighting for his life. Then there's me. I finally had everything worked out and had my life together, then a phone call was all it took to get me to fuck it all up."

"What do you mean?" Her tone was laced with confusion now as I ran my finger around the rim of my glass. When I didn't answer her question she brought her hand to my chin and forced me to look at her. "Bria, talk to me."

"What do you want me to say?" I asked her. My voice raised some as I spoke which caused others near us to look over, but I didn't care. "Do you want me to cry and tell you my life story for the past seven years? Do you want me to tell you how fucked up my life became and how none of you were there for me? How Mark was the only one that even bothered to be there for me when everything was falling apart? What do you want to hear?"

"I want you to be honest with me." Her tone now matched mine. "I don't want to hear the bullshit that you give me whenever I call you. I want you to trust me like you used to, I want us to be like we used to."

"You don't get it." I scoffed as I hopped off of my stool. "We're not like we used to be, none of us are."

Before she could say another word I was running out of the bar, only to find it raining now. Rain fell down nonstop, soaking through my clothes and to my skin. I looked around at the people walking to where they needed to go tonight and the cars driving down the street. I started to run across the street, ignoring the honking of cars as they slammed on their breaks to keep themselves from hitting me. I didn't care though, I didn't listen to the curse words they threw at me through their car windows.

I ran right to the hospital and around the building so I was at the side doors that I didn't think anyone would be at. Once I was there I leaned against the wall of the building and slowly slid down it, tears escaping my eyes. Quite sobs racked my body as I pulled my legs to my chest and just started shaking. My breathing became fast and irregular as the familiar feeling of a panic attack overtook me.

"Bria?" I could almost hear him calling my name as I sat there hyperventilating. I squeezed my eyes shut as tightly as they would as his voice continued to surround me.


"Hey, I was just calling to let you know..."

"When are you coming to visit?"

"You know what pink mist it?"

"I promise, I'll always be there for you."

"Howard?" I heard a familiar voice call out my name as I just sat there. Footsteps came rushing towards me, splashing in the forming puddles as whoever it was came closer to me. I kept my eyes shut as someone touched my arm as they knelt down beside me.

"Bria, are you alright?" The person asked again.

"Dylan," I whispered before it all went black.

A/N: So who do you think found her? :)

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