Chapter Forty-Three

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Chapter Forty-Three

"Jackson Avery really has a bigger say than any of us in running this hospital?" Arizona asked as we all sat around the conference room of the hospital on our first day back after buying out the hospital, out bidding Pegasus. 

"That can't be true." Yang shook her head. "Can it?"

"Well, he's a voting member of the management team and he also represents the Harper Avery Foundation." Derek pointed out. 

"And their one hundred and seventy-five million bucks." Callie added.

"As opposed to our fifteen million dollars apiece." Arizona sighed, taking a seat across the table from me.

"According to Stan, not only does he have the deciding vote, he can veto ours." Derek informed all of us.

"That is ridiculous." Yang snapped. "He's a fellow."

"So are you and Grey." I reminded her.

"But he's a plastics fellow." She pointed out. "And I'm me."

"Well, let's not overreact." Meredith shook her head. "I mean, it's Jackson. He's not some corporate stranger. He's one of us."

"No, you're right. He's a smart kid." Derek nodded in agreement. "He's gonna follow our lead."

"No. No." Callie shook her head. "We made this plan. We pulled it together. Look, I'm grateful to Harper Avery for an infusion of cash, but I'm not gonna let some- some..."

"Plastics fellow?" Yang supplied.

"Plastics fellow tell me how to run my service 'cause his mommy said he could." Callie finished. 

"Preach." Arizona agreed.

"Come on guys, he's not going to try and tell all of us what to do." I tried to reason with all of them. "He's our friend. He's not going to try and steamroll all over us."

"Maybe not you, but we can't all be screwing him." Callie muttered under her breath.

"What?" Derek's eyes widened.

"Callie!" I hissed at my friend.

"Hey, if you didn't want it announced then you shouldn't have worn the same outfit two days in a row." She shrugged.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen." Catherine Avery smiled at all of us as she walked into the room, not allowing anyone to get another word in about Jackson and I. "Shall we?"

"Please," I nodded.


"Okay, so we're agreed that the peds and adult ERs will be combined to save on personnel?" Arizona asked after an hour of discussing decisions on the hospital.

"Yeah." Yang nodded as Jackson came into the room, late.

"I'm sorry, guys." He apologized. "I was running on time, and then my rounds' patient turned into a crier."

"Uh, we were discussing the reopening of the ER and the trauma department." Meredith caught him up. 

"Oh, yes." He nodded as he looked through some papers. "Um, I'm not ready for that just yet."

"If you need more time with the material, we can go ahead-" Derek started to tell him.

"No, no, I've read it." Jackson assured us. "Uh, it's just that the foundation feels that the ER is not a forgone conclusion. They need a site visit, a chance to look over the numbers. It could be a month before a decision."

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