Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

"What am I forgetting?" I asked myself as I looked around my hotel room that night. I wanted everything packed that way I would be okay to leave first thing in the morning so I could say goodbye to Mark and get out of this city. As I looked around the room though my phone began to go off.

"Hello?" I answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Hey, you're answering my calls now!" Amelia said, her voice dripping with false enthusiasm. "That adds up to one person in Seattle who seems to be decent enough to acknowledge that I exist."

"Sorry, today was a busy day." I sighed as I sat down on the bed, laying back to stare up at the ceiling. "By the time I saw that you called me it was late so I was just going to call you in the morning."

"Well, you have me now so talk." She told me. "I talked to Addison earlier and she told me that you accepted a job in Seattle. What's going on?"

"I was offered a job and I said yes, but I quit." I quickly added. "I sort of had a meltdown in the operating room yesterday and it started this whole mess. Anyways, the plan is still the same. I've rented a car to come and pick Abby up and then we're back off to New York."

"Clearly I've missed a lot, fill me in. Now." She demanded.

"Honestly, I don't even know where to start." I admitted.

"Let's go with after you dropped Abby off with me." She told me. "What happened after you left L.A.?"

"I caught the first flight to Boise and rushed to the hospital Mark and the others had been taken to." I told her.

"What happened there?" She pressed, trying to get me to continue.

"I tried getting in to see Mark but it was family only. I waited for news in the waiting room and after a day or two I heard that they were being flown back here to Seattle." I continued the story of what had happened. "Once that happened I got a plane ticket and followed them to Seattle, but I ended up being a day behind them. When I got here I asked for Mark's room and basically sat vigil at his bedside. I did that for a little while before I went to check on Derek. He and I talked a bit and I went back to Mark. A few days later I end up getting offered a job, apparently Derek recommended me to them."

"Derek?" She asked, surprised.

"Yep." I popped the 'p'. "Anyways, I accepted the job and my first day I was given a surgery. Everyone must have been squeezed up in the viewing room so they had a perfect view when I froze in the middle of the damn surgery. I ended up getting kicked out of my OR, that night Addison shows up and we have a fight so I left her at the bar. When I woke up this morning I was in my new boss' bed, he brought me to his place after he found me having a meltdown in the rain. So, I decided to quit, got in a fight with Derek, and had Mark try and set me up with some guy. End of story."

"What's the guy look like?" She asked when I finally finished.

"Really?" I frowned at my phone, despite the fact that she couldn't see me. "That's what you ask me? Not why I am fighting with your brother or Addison?"

"Yeah, we'll get to that," I couldn't almost imagine her waving off my questioning of her judgement. "For now let's focus on this guy."

"You're as bad as Mark." I muttered.

"Just tell me about him." She insisted, almost to the point of begging.

"He's a little older than me and nosey." I rolled my eyes as I began to rattle on about the guy who had questioned me my first day in this city. "He's not too bad looking, easy on the eyes. And, sadly, is able to spot loopholes."

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