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Ya know, I've come to realize something from the notifications I get from each story. Naruto fans are much more likely to comment than mha fans

Tokoyami and Ashido had a pretty quick fight, with Tokoyami as the victor. Katsuki and Kirishima began their fight after. For once, Katsuki actually had to be on the defensive since the red head's quirk would mostly protect him from his blasts. Since Kirishima had to constantly keep his quirk activated throughout the fight, so the blond's counterattack began, which resulted in Katsuki's win.

"I guess it's my turn... again," I sighed, standing up. I have to fight Todoroki? Give me a break.

...Actually, I'll gladly fight Todoroki if I don't have to fight Mr. Explosion down there. The thought of that gave me a little pep in my step as I walked toward the waiting rooms. On my way there, I ran into Izuku.

"Oh, it's your turn to fight isn't it?" he asked, covered in bandages with a cast on one hand. Even if he won against Todoroki after their fight, there was no way he'd be able to continue.

"Yep, I'm on my way to possibly get my ass beat," I replied.

He sweatdropped and smiled, "I think you can do it though! Good luck!" 

"Even if I win, I'll be fighting our blond friend next," I said, emphasizing the 'friend' because we both know that he will not be taking that into account during our fight. I'm thinking of throwing the fight just so I don't have to go against everyone's favorite maniac.

Izuku shivered at the thought of that, even if he wouldn't be the one fighting. Either way, I have to make this match at least a little bit as interesting as his was. Just minus the injuries. After I made it down to the waiting room, I was quickly called out to the ring. 

I stood across the platform from Todoroki and gave him an uncomfortable smile. I could have swore I saw him sigh at me. "From the hero course! It's (f/n) (l/n)! Versus! Also from the hero course! Todoroki Shoto!... START!"

I jumped to the side when he sent ice my way. That means he's probably gonna only stick with his right side. The ice spikes came up from the ground again, but this time I just flew up. Before he could make another move, I threw my hand out and used my quirk to rip the ground out from under him, attempting to get him out of the ring.

He jumped off of the piece of cement I unearthed, but I just sent it crashing into his left side instead. When his hands hit the floor, almost instantly there was ice heading to me. Nearly scared me into being stunned. Luckily, I flew out of the way and reached a hand out to some ice, shattering it with invisible grip. I dodged another ice attack and launched all of the ammo that he provided for me.

Of course, it wouldn't be that easy because he's not just gifted quirk-wise. He heated up the air around him with his left side, like he did in the mock villain and hero fights we had in class, and dodged the larger pieces of ice that made it through his defensive tactic to melt the projectiles. Steam was taking up the air now, and it gave me the perfect opportunity to get close to him. 

I flew through the steam and brought blocks of cement from the platform with me. When I could see his back, I sent them at him. I don't know how he knew I was behind him, but he turned around and spiked the ground with ice again, freezing the blocks and continuing the spikes my way.

"Oh shit," I blurted, throwing myself backwards to avoid being frozen. That didn't work since this time he aimed for just straight up one-shotting me. The ice took over half of the stadium again, just like when he caught Sero that one time. I blocked my face with my forearms, completely expecting to get frostbite. Until I didn't. I peaked one of my eyes open, seeing that I was in an air pocket that was somehow perfectly circular. I definitely did this. I just have to figure out how. (I can't remember if you guys know how to do it yet.)

"IS THIS IT FOR THE FIGHT OF THE FLASHIEST QUIRKS?!" I heard Present Mic's voice through the stadium speakers. He'd been making commentary this whole time, but that was loud enough to make it through to me.

I guess I've been standing here for long enough. I placed my hand on the ice in front of me, using my quirk to force a tunnel out of here. I ran out and slid down the slant of the ice. He seemed surprised that I was still mobile. I jumped and landed in the ring, picking up all the debris I could and throwing it at him. Just as I did, my head started to throb.


"Damnit, his yelling really isn't helping me," I groaned, holding my head in one hand. 

When I looked at my opponent, he had clearly taken his fair share of damage as well. I could see him contemplating something. Let's not give him the chance. I picked myself up with my telekinesis, throwing myself at him. He reached his right hand out, ready to freeze me, but I tugged myself the other way. I could feel a little blood coming out of my nose from my overuse, but it's fine. I reeled my fist back and knocked him in the side, sending him flying.

I rolled to a stop, and then I felt something. Something heating up. Like the will to figh- I looked down, seeing that my shirt was on fire and my hand was burned. It was not the burning passion to fight, but rather a second degree burn. I threw off my shirt and stomped on it, trying to get the fire to go out while I used my quirk to cover my hand with shattered ice.

"Just when I thought there was a chance I'd be able to finish this fast, you use your left side," I sighed, standing up straight and looking at the white and red haired teen.

The fire encasing his left side went out, his body leaning against the wall of ice he had to use to keep him in the ring after my punch almost forced him out. He didn't even get to respond before Present Mic was screaming through the speakers, "Has Todoroki decided to use his left side again?!"

I let the ice fall from my fist, and I looked back at my opponent. Just as I did, ice spiked my way. I threw myself back with my quirk. When I put my hand up to continue, I was stopped by Midnight's announcement.

"(f/n) (l/n) is out of bounds! Todoroki is the victor!"

It was silent for a moment until cheering took over the stadium. Needless to say, I was bummed... and burned. My headache didn't let me think straight and I forgot the boundary wasn't far behind me. I'm glad Katsuki didn't give me death threats before this fight because he would have been cashing it in right about now.

Todoroki didn't look very pleased either. He looked confused and disappointed at the same time. For what reasons, I'll never know.

I was brought to Recovery Girl, who fixed the burn on my hand while sapping my energy at the same time.  All the while, she made sure to scold me for putting ice on the burn because it would only make it worse. Good thing she's got healing powers. I laid down lazily on the nurse bed and sighed. Then, I closed my eyes.

"Um, (l/n)? Are you awake?"

I rolled over and looked at the girl who was calling to me. "Now I am. What's up?" I asked. I guess I dozed off. At least it helped me get rid of my migraine.

"You have a match against Tokoyami for third place now," she told me with a small smile.

"Alright, thanks for waking me up, Ochako," I responded, getting up and stretching.

She nodded and held her fists in front of her with a look of determination, "I thought your fight was great! You would have won if you didn't fall out of bounds!"

I chuckled and ran my fingers through my hair, looking down at the floor, "Thanks for your confidence. You're the greatest personal cheerleader I could ask for."

"I try!" she chirped, giving me a thumbs up. "But really, you were super strong out there!"

The door to the nurse's office flew open and in came a red head. "Yea! It was super manly! You were even fighting when your nose was bleeding all crazy!" Kirishima shouted, looking as pumped as ever.

"Oh no, don't go stealing Ochako's job there, Kirishima," I playfully stated. I stood up and pointed to the door, "Now let's go, little ones!"

Who's in this harem? I forgot about that too. If you guys could send me a message and recap my own story to me, that'd be great.

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