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The hand guy stared at the blonde hero blankly before stating, "Nomu, Kurogiri, get him. I'll deal with the children." My eyes flicked towards All Might, seeing that he was clenching his fists. Even if this is All Might, he's still human. He's bleeding from his side and he already took a hit for Ba- Katsuki. "Now, lets clear this and go home," the hand guy said, sprinting towards the group of us.

Kirishima put up an arm, taking a step forward while saying that we would have to fight after all, but before the guy could even get to us, he stopped as we all shifted our eyes back to the Symbol of Peace who released reserved energy that had me taking a step back. The blonde hero and what I understand is the "Nomu" surged forward and I saw the hand guy fly back from the impact of just their fists colliding. He did a backflip and everything.

Meanwhile me and the rest of the students beside me are sliding back from the force of the two fighting in the middle of us all when we were already farther from the chaos going on in front of us. Honestly, I'm surprised we weren't sent flying like crazy hands over there. 

"Made to fight me?" With how intense the brawl was, I was surprised to hear All Might speak through it all. "If you can with stand me at 100%... Then I'll force you to surrender from even beyond that!" he shouted, the speed that he was throwing his punches increasing. How is that even possible? My hair was flying everywhere from all of the wind being kicked up from their power alone and I just watched with my jaw dropped as he completely overwhelmed this creature up even when he was exhausted and bleeding from a serious wound. "A hero.. can always break out of a tough spot!"

Before I even knew what happened, All Might had smashed the Nomu into the ground, yelling out plus ultra before sending it flying with a final blow right out of the top of the building into the distance. "Holy shit that thing is probably in orbit.." I mumbled to myself. Well, apparently I didn't say it low enough because Katsuki smacked me in the back of the head, muttering about how I could say something like that right now. "You should have closed your ears.." I quickly covered my head right before he smacked me again.

"Is this a comic book or something..? It's like he nullified the shock absorption.." Kirisima said, staring up at the ceiling in awe. We both looked to the hole in the building as the red head continued, "His brute strength is crazy.."

"What insane power.." Kastuki added, "Does that mean he rushed at him so fast that he didn't have the chance to regenerate?"

"Huh.. So that's what we're supposed to be striving for?" I hummed, looking around to see the wrecked place because of the fight. That's when I looked towards All Might's still figure, smoke still surrounding him and blood still seeping through his shirt.

He stayed in that position while he said he could have beaten him with five hits in his prime, then proceeded to stand up and look at the villains. More smoke was coming off of his body, but I don't understand why. "Now, villains, I'm sure we'd all like to end this as soon as possible." All Might said firmly, acting unfazed by his clear fatigue. Anyway, he said he wanted to end it as soon as possible.. Midoriya said something about time sensitivity.. what is going on here?

The white haired guy started scratching his neck and mumbling about things, but I could only look at All Might. He hasn't moved since he stood up, and he keeps twitching. Is he in pain? Worn out? I guess it doesn't matter since he is All Might after all... 

"All Might will take care of the rest, so let's go help the others," the red head instructed, activating his quirk. I shrugged and began walking towards him, expecting Izuku to walk with me but he continued to stand there, watching All Might intently. Like something wasn't right.

The white haired guy and the warp were suddenly sprinting towards the top hero and everything from this point forward happened so fast. Izuku jumped from his spot, his legs flailing behind him because they were most likely broken, aiming a punch towards the portal villain. Then the hand that destroyed Aizawa's arm earlier was reaching toward him through the purple mist. He.. he might die.. I reached my hand out to do... well anything with my quirk- pull him back, push the hand back, push the body of the mist back, I don't know but anything would be useful. Before I could do any of that, though, the white haired man's hand was shot. I looked in the direction of the shot and saw the pro hero Snipe standing beside the rest of UA staff.

A Little Bit Normal (BNHA x Seme Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now