"I missed you"

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He gave a house tour. "Wow that's nice" u said. "Hahaha thanks cutie" he answered. "Want something to drink?" He asked. "water is good for me" you said. You and Dylan talked about acting, teen wolf, our life's, what we like. He was surprised, you knew everything about him. That was obviously, you we're his biggest fan. You we're daydreaming, still freaking out about the fact u we're hanging out with Dylan. "Cutie? Heyy, y/n" he said. "Oh I'm so sorry haha" u told him. "That's no problem cutie, what we're you thinking of?". "Oh nothing I was just freaking out about the fact that I'm a huge fan and that I'm now hanging out with my idol" you told him. "Awhh cutie, that's so cute haha". Secretly he was your celebrity crush, but you thought he already knew that and it's weird to tell him. So u didnt said that u are actually in love with him, but you knew you and Dylan would never get togheter, like as in a couple. After a few hours of talking he asked, "well, u want some wine?". "Oh uhmm yes that's good" you answered. You guys drank wine, but Dylan drank lowkey too much... "well y/n, actually I wasn't bored. I missed you." He said. "What... u were shocked. He.... he missed me?" , u thought. "I missed you to Dyl, I love you more then anyone", u told him back. You we're actually expressing you're feelings to him right now. But u knew he meant it as friends, didn't he?

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