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~December 29, 1707~

It was now late December, a few days after Christmas. The Ospedale della Pietà had just ended its Christmas celebrations and was preparing for Carenevale. You had very little desire to go to Carenevale, for your father had always said it wasn't suitable for a common girl and that it was filled with debauchery, so you hadn't questioned it.

It was now snowing outside, usual for December in Venice. The canals had frozen over and going out was now uncomfortable. Antonio still walked you home everyday and you'd still sneak out with him on the rare nights when you were both off. You loved your life like this. Christmas had come along and swept many of your fears under the rug of yours.

You had spent Christmas Eve with Antonio, he had an Opera that night but he made a little time for you. Life had been going on as usual. You loved being with Antonio and you found you were spending more and more time with him.

Something unusual had happened though this morning. Father Giuvan had called you this morning and said he wanted to see you when you were about to leave. You didn't know what exactly you had done, but you hoped it was something minor and prayed it didn't deal with Antonio. If it dealt with you and Antonio, or if Lord forbid-- Father Giuvan found out about the relationship, you'd lose your mind.

Antonio had seemed to change your life in less than a blink of an eye. He had made your boring days happier, your cloudy days brighter, and just overall better. It seemed as if nothing could tear you apart from Antonio.

You looked up at the clock and realised you'd be late to your meeting with Father Giuvan if you didn't start your walk to his office. You quietly put down what you were doing and began your way to meet Father Giuvan.

You walked hastily towards his office and knocked lowly. At first you didn't get a response, but at last Father Giuvan opened the door, beckoning you in. You smiled at him, trying to hide your nervousness, until you noticed a bunch of red curly hair; Antonio.

He was seated by Father Giuvan's desk. He looked to be in a state of penance, almost as if he was questioning everything he knew. He didn't even look up to see you.

Father Giuvan sat down and so did you. You sat one chair away from Antonio, your smile quickly evaporating from your face as you saw Antonio's eyes dart over towards you for just a second. There wasn't the same kind, blue sky like aurora in them; instead they were dark and cold.

For a while no one spoke. Not even Father Giuvan spoke.

Finally, the silence was broken.

"So, I bet you're both wondering why you're here." Father Giuvan said. You nodded without a word, while Antonio was still.

"Well, I won't keep you waiting any longer, I can tell you're both on edge." He said, your breath hitching and chest tightening at his words.

"I know you two have been seeing each other romantically for the past year or so. I know you two sneak out after hours and spend time in each other's presence. You have both broken the vows of the church, especially you, Antonio." Father Giuvan said. At these words Antonio tensed up and grunted in his throat. It was quiet for a while, until you couldn't stand it anymore.

"What are you going to do to us?" You nearly shouted out, your voice trembling. Your mind was rushing with possibilities. You knew you'd lose your job, but that didn't matter much to you. What mattered to you was Antonio, he couldn't lose his job; if he did, the secret would leak to Venetian society, and eventually no one would want Antonio to perform and he'd be an outcast, along with you, but it didn't matter to you. You had little to live for in Venice anyway, other than Antonio.

"Y/N, I suggest you leave, I need to speak with Antonio." Father Giuvan said. You nodded and got up, walking out and closing the door behind you.

You sighed and sat down. The hard, cold tiles underneath you, reminding you of the harsh reality you were going to face. You were going to lose your job, and you didn't even want to imagine your parent's reaction. But that wasn't even the worst of it. You'd lose Antonio, the only man you'd ever loved. And the worst part? You'd ruined Antonio and his future.

It felt like an eternity waiting for the door to open and someone to step out and deliver the bad news to you. Finally, Father Giuvan opened the door. You stood up, ruffling out your dress and trying to look into Father Giuvan's eyes, but failing.

"Go in and talk to him, I believe it will be good for both of you, my child." Father Giuvan said, his tone surprisingly soft. You nodded, opening the door, walking in and then closing the door.

Antonio was standing in the corner, his red smock around him. He looked almost angry, but mostly sad. When you walked in, he looked up and sighed. You couldn't tell if it was in relief or sadness, maybe both.

"Oh Antonio!" You said, tears streaming out of your face.

"Y/N-" Antonio began but you cut him off.

"Look at us, Antonio. I've turned myself into a mess, and even worse, I've ruined you! I made you break our vows. I made you sin, I'm the reason you're here, your job in jeopardy. I can't even face myself. Antonio, I've made everything a mess. Tell Father Giuvan I quit. There's no reason for me to stay, I'll only ruin you more. I love you, and nothing will change that, but I can't be with you, the world won't allow it. Goodbye Antonio, and don't come searching for me, I don't want to hurt you anymore." You said, tears freely flowing out, you weren't even trying to stop them at this point. Antonio was about to speak, but you ran out, and didn't stop until you reached home.

A/N: Hi I'm back..... 

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