There's A Life I Left Behind, But I never Wanted Too.

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Max held back the tears until she closed the door to her room. Then she allowed the waterworks to start. Dylan had ruined everything all over again. Everytime she settled down somewhere and thought she had the chance to rebuild her life, he turned up and ruined it all over again. Just like with her mum and Ella. Max sighed as she thought of the memory when her mum and Ella turned their backs on her and the Flock. And it was all because of Dylan.

"Mom? Please, we need your help."
"No Max."
Max stared dumbfoundly at her mother. "But mom-"
"No. We've heard what you've done. We know, Max and we will never forgive you."
"Mom? I don't understand, what have I done? Who's said-"
"Dylan told us." Ella interrupted, arms crossed. "You was in league with the school from the start. You wanted them to find you, you let Angel be taken, you allowed them to take your flock from you so many times because you knew about it everytime. You knew Max."
"No! No, I...I wasn't! I never knew!" Max started to cry as she please with her mum and sister. "I swear I didn't! I love my flock! I would never let anything intentionally happen to them!"
"It's too late Max, we know the truth about your lies." And with that, her mom and sister walked away, not turning back once to see Max as she crumpled to the ground, surrounded by her flock trying to comfort her.

Max dried her eyes with the sleeves of her jumper and grabbed her backpack. She started stuffing it with clothes and her belongings along with food from her mini fridge.
"Don't you dare alert Dad and Pops JARVIS. Don't you dare. Not until morning when I've gotten far away."
"But Miss Ride-"
"Please JARVIS."
If it was possible for a computer to sigh, then JARVIS managed it.
"I concede to giving you an hour. That's the protocall."
"That's enough time JARVIS. Thank you."
JARVIS didn't answer so Max continued to stuff her backpack full off stuff. She came across a photo of her, Steve, Tony and Pete and her eyes welled up again. The four of them looked so happy together and now it was time to leave again. Dylan had ruined another family for her. Peter probably hated her now. He wouldn't trust her anymore and once he told Dad and Pops everything that Dylan had said, they wouldn't either. And she couldn't live with that. She needed them to trust her as much as she trusted them and after this, they wouldn't. She grabbed the picture and placed it carefully in the remaining space at the top of her back along with the one of the flock she always carried with her. Throwing open her window, she flung herself out. She knew she only had a few minutes before JARVIS alerted Tony and Steve because she knew what he was like, so she poured on the speed until she was flying over 300 miles an hour. Max didn't care where she ended up, as long as it was as far away from anyone she ever knew. She hoped Dylan was happy. Because when they met again in Hell, she was going to laugh while he burned.

Steve had just walked into the workshop to get Tony and try to convince him to go up and get some sleep when JARVIS spoke up.
"Sirs, Miss Ride left via her window a couple of minutes ago with an impression that she wasn't coming back."
Steve and Tony looked at each other and said two words.
"Suit Up." They headed in their seperate directions and Tony put on his suit, leaving quickly and scanning the skies for any signs of Max.
"JARVIS which way did she heaoff in?"
"North West sir."
"Gotcha. Steve, you get that?"
"Yeah Tony." Tony heard the roar of Steve's motorbike over the earpiece and changed his course of flight. They would bring Max home.

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