The Return of Dylan

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3 days later

For the past two days, Peter had been leaving food outside of Max's door where it had been left untouched, but today the food tray had been moved. Actually it hadn't been moved unless you mean completely disappeared, so Peter took this as a good sign that Max wasn't dead. 

"Max?" he knocked quietly on her bedroom door and waited until he heard the weak reply from within.

"Come in Peter"

Her room was Pitch black apart from the thin sliver of light appearing from around the sides of the curtains. Max was sat up straight on her bed, dried tear tracks marking her face, still clinging onto Fangs wings. She looked up at him for a moment, acknowledging his presence, then went straight back to staring fearfully at something in the furthest corner of her room.

"Max, i know this is probably the most stupidest question to ask right now, but are you okay?"

She shook her head, still not looking at him, but at the corner, her brown eyes filled with fear.

"Max what's up?"

She raised a shaky hand at the corner of the room and then crawled backwards and whimpered. 

"Max it's okay" Peter placed his hand on Max's shoulder and was immediately wrenched backwards, hitting the wall and falling to his knees. "What The Hell!?" he yelled as he scrambled back to his feet. In front of him stood a boy about his and Max's age with dark-blond hair and turquoise eyes that looked extremely pissed off.

"Who are you?" Peter demanded staring him down.

"I could ask you the same thing and i could also ask why your keeping Max prisoner."

"What the hell are you talking about? Max is my adoptive sister! She isn't a prisoner she can leave anytime she wants. Anyway, who are you and what are you doing here?"

"My names Dylan. And i'm here to get Max." all of a sudden, Dylan went flying across the room and an angry looking Max stood in his place.

"You're not taking me anywhere Dylan. Least of all away from here. This place is all I've got left since all my flock got killed."

"But Max, Not all of your flock got killed. I'm still here aren't i?"

"You were never part of my flock. I don't care if you're still alive. I'm not going anywhere with you."

"I don't get it though."

"You don't get what?" Max snarled at him.

"Dr. Hans told me to get you. He told me that if i killed your flock then you would come willingly because you'd have nothing left to live for." He sat in silence for a moment then clapped a hand to his mouth as he realised what he had just said.

"You Killed Max's Flock? It Was You?!!" Peter charged at him and punched him in the face, and then continued to attack him, punching him and clawing him, with Dylan doing the same back. 

"JARVIS send Dad up from his lab with the suit! Quickly!!!!" Max yelled, as she tried to seperate the two boys, only succeding in getting a nose bleed from a random punch off Dylan.

"Peter Stop It!!! He's a Genetically Enhanced Mutant Freak, he'll crush you!!!" Max tried to seperate them once again, but was dragged back by Tony who had arrived to diffuse the fight. He dragged Peter and Dylan away from each other and then hauled them out the room. He let go of Peter, but then twisted Dylans hands behind his back.

"Stay here Max. You too Peter. Don't leave this room till i come back for you, okay?"

"What?! Dylan just admitted he killed my flock in which, he means he killed Fang, but not only that, he is in partnership for Dr. Hans. I'm coming with you." Tony rolled his eyes at her stubborness, but then agreed to let her go with him. 

"Fine. Are you okay with me putting Dylan in a cage?"

"Torture him if you want too. Just don't kill him, thats going to be my job." her gaze found Dylans and she gave him an evil smile that made him shudder. Tony chuckled as he started to drag Dylan to his lab, Max following close behind, whilst Peter found something to wipe the blood off his face.

"Bastard" He mumbled under his breath.

"What did you just call me?" Dylan growled, struggling against Tonys grip.

"How the hell did you hear that?"

Max shook her head and facepalmed. "Did you not hear what i said in there when you two were 'getting to know each other'? He is a Genetically Enhanced Mutant Freak. We both have super hearing and hawk vision, but his is more enhanced then mine. Dumbass."

"Well I didn't know that did I? Thanks for telling me."

"Never had chance too."

"Would the pair of you shut up? Can you please resolve this later? Right now we have, and i quote, 'a Genetically Enhanced Mutant Freak' to deal with."

"Fine." Max spun round and continued on her way to the lab, her anger pratically radiating off her.

"Aww crap." Dylan muttered.

"What?" Tony shook him.

"Have you ever seen Max that angry before?"


"I have. Last time she was that angry, 13 people ended up dead."

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