Accidentally on Purpose

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"Sooooo, what we gonna do to him?" Peter asked as he watched Max tie Dylan to a chair, grinning as he winced.
"You are going to do nothing, I am going to take great pleasure in torturing him. You know, to find out why Dr. Hans wanted my Flock dead and why he wants me dead and so on. It's completely rational. Payback for the Flock." She turned and grinned evily to Dylan, who shrank back as much as he could. 
"Max i've already told you i'm sorry. Please forgive me."
"You want me to forgive you?! Are you insane! You killed my Flock, the only constant thing i had in this world! The only people i ever loved and cared for and you took them from me! You even brought Fang back to life to just hurt me more! And you're asking me to forgive you?! You're a nutcase!"
"Maybe we should take it easy on him Max." Steve walked into the room with his arms folded across his chest. "At least give him a chance to explain his side of the story."
"Why should I Pops?" She snapped at him. "He never gave my Flock a chance when he killed them, did he? Why should i give him that right?"
"Because it would be the humane thing to do. Don't stoop to his level."
"I can stoop to whatever level i like. But i guess your right." she turned back to Dylan. "This doesn't mean i'm not going to torture you, i'm just giving you a chance to explain. you're going to feel pain either way, but i guess i get some understanding to why you killed them in the first place."
Dylan visably gulped as Max raised her hand to slap him. "I swear i'm really sorry. Don't hurt me! He made me do it! I didn't want to!"
"Why does he want me so bad?"
"He want's to modify you, so you lose your memory of the Flock and become my perfect other half, and we're supposed to lead perfect lives together! He wants us to be together because he knows how much it hurts me to see you with Fang! Thats all i know i swear!"
"So you let him kill the Flock?! What about Angel?! I thought you loved her! And you killed her! and the others! Your a heartless monster! You Bastard, i hate you!"
"You don't hate me Max. you never have and you know that deep down somewhere, you do love me."
"What?! Are you crazy?! I hate you with everything that i am! And i will never stop hating you."
"I don't care if you hate me, because i love you."
"If you loved me you wouldn't have killed my family."
"I only kiled them because i knew your memory would be wiped and you would have forgotten all about them, to save you from all of this pain, i would have wiped your memory."
"Well now you can't because i won't let you." Max pulled up a chair and sat down opposite Dylan, glaring at him. He winced, but looked straight into her eyes anyway. "Answer me two questions Dylan." Max wiped the tears that were forming in her eyes. "Who did you kill first?"
Dylan hung his head in shame. "I don't want to tell you Max." 
"Tell me or i swear i am going to kill you in the ways you killed them."
"Fine... I shot Fang first. he was the strongest and i needed to stop him first. Then it was Nudge, Then Angel. I went back to Fang and Stabbed him, then i killed Gazzy and finally i killed Iggy. Fang wasn't dead when i left, but i knew he was going to die soon anyway, so i left him. i guess i wanted to give him the chance to say goodbye. Not that it would have mattered after your memory had been wiped but still."
Max clenched her hand into a fist and swung her arm, hitting Dylan straight in the face. Blood erupted from his nose, but Max was crying too much to notice. She repeatedly punched him until Steve dragged her off him. She slumped in his arms and sobbed. Steve held her close, his back to Dylan, but when he heard a deep grunt from behind him, he looked over his shoulder and saw Dylan doubled over in pain and Peter with his hand clenched. When he saw Steve giving him a questioning look, he just shrugged it off.
"My fist accidently on purpose hit him."

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