The enrollment of School

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3 months later

"Food, glorious Food. Oh how much i love it," Max sang as she wandered into the kitchen to raid the fridge. She stopped when she saw Tony and Steve sat at the table looking very serious. "Max, we have something we want to discuss with you," Steve began. He gestured to the seat opposite him and Tony, "Sit down, please." 

"What's up, Steve?" She asked, munching on homemade cookies. Not as good as her mom's, but close enough.

"Well it's about your education."

"I'm that dumb huh?"

"No!" Tony interupted. "You're actually quite smart. I've been tutoring you for a few months now, and me and Steve think that you should start going to a proper school and mix with teenagers your own age, besides Peter." He added.

Max laughed at him. "Tony you are joking right? Me and Schools don't mix well. That's been proven one to many times in the past." She looked at Tony and Steves serious faces and stopped laughing immediately. "You are joking right?"

"No we're not. We've already enrolled you in Peters school and made sure you're in all of his lessons" Steve continued for Tony.

"But Peters in the advanced classes! How will i keep up with them?"

Tony smiled at her, "Don't tell Peter i said this, but you are actually smarter than him in quite a lot of subjects. You'll be fine."

"And the teachers, are they evil? They were evil at the first school i went to. Not the evil School, but, you know, learny school. They tried to taser me."

"Max i can promise you that the teachers aren't evil," Steve assured her, "And they don't taser their students either"

Max contemplated this and finally nodded her head. "Will i have to wear uniform?"


"Then I'll go. When do i start?"


"How will i get everything ready for tomorrow? All my books and everything?"

"Tony's already bought them for you."

"Oh, I'll get a bag." Max ran out the room to get her bag, leaving Tony and Steve in shock. 

"After Four months of her calling me Tony.....did she just call me dad?" Tony asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, i think she did"

"Pops!" Max yelled from her room. "Which bag should i use?"

"She's calling you Steve"

"Yeah, I heard,."

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