I kicked it

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Steve took Max from the room and asked Peter to keep watch on Dylan to make sure he didn't try to escape or anything. Tony would've stayed too, only he had a metting to go to, which as we all know he absolutely loves (note sarcasm). He gave Max a quick hug and kissed Steve before glaring at Dylan as the door closed behind him, leaving Dylan alone with Peter. They sat in silence, glarng at each other, until Dylan spoke up.

"Why is Max staying with you? Why didn't she go back to her mom?"

"I didn't know she had a mom." Peter replied in a deathly quiet voice, "But she's stayed with us because she had no-one else left to go to or stay on the run with. That, is all your fault."

"I didn't want to kill them, But Max means more than anything to me, so if that was the only way I could get her, then I would do it all over again."

Suddenly, Peter leaped towards Dylan and kicked his chair over, listening to the satisfying crunch his head made as it came into contact with the ground. 

"Ow" Dylan groaned as he closed his eyes against the spinning room in vision.

"You say you care about her more than anything, right?" Peter snarled, "Then why would you do thid to her, even knowing her memory was going to be wiped? She would have still of felt pain beforehand. Why would you put someone you blove through that?"

"Why should i tell you? its none of your business what i do and what I've done to Max." Dylan re-opened his eyes and stared straight ahead. 

Peter kicked him, splitting his lip. "It's everything to do with me! She's like my sister! I watched her cry her heart out as she buried her family! So I obviously care about a her a lot more then you do!"

Dylan paused and looked Peter in the eyes. "She cried? Did she really cry?"

"Of course she cried! She buried the only family she had ever known! And to top it all off, she couldn't even bury Fang because he was taken by the Whitecoats or whatever she calls them! Do you have any idea how much that hurt her?! Do you?! You just don't do that to someone you Love!"

"I do love Max! I was programmed to love Max! And i was created to be her perfect second half. I killed Fang because then i wouldn't have to compete with him because he was so wrong for her in the all the ways i am perfect for her! But she still wanted him!"

Peter kicked him one final time, splitting open his eyebrow. "Did you ever consider maybe she didn't want perfect? Or maybe that she didn't want you?"

"But it was all there to play for! I could have had her! Our life could have been perfect together!"

"I may not know a lot about where you and Max come from, but i do know that that isn't an excuse for what you did. They'll never be an excuse for what you did."

Peter heard footsteps running down the hallway and moved away from the door. It swung open and Steve stood in the doorway, glaring at Peter.

"Whats gone on in here?"

"Nothing at all.; Why would you even question-"

"Why is his chair tipped over?" Steve asked, as if Peter didn't speak.

"I kicked it."

"He has a split lip why?"

"I kicked it."

"And his eyebrow?"


"You kicked it?"

"Got it in one."

"I asked you to keep an eye on him Peter, not kick him."

"He started it."

"I very much doubt that."

"It's true. He asked why Max wasn't staying with her mom. Then it kinda escalated from there."

"I didn't know Max had a mom."

"Thats what I said!"

"Um, excuse me?" Dylan spoke up for the first time since Steve walked into the room. "Could someone please put my chair the right way? I'm getting a bloodrush to my head." Steve sighed and picked up his chair, putting it back into its original position before dragging Peter out the room by his collar.

"Just a warning Dylan, don't try to escape. I'll have JARVIS watching you to make sure, and then I will come and get you. I won't stop either of them next time."

And with that last parting message, Steve left the room, closing the door shut behind him and locking it from the outside, leaving Dylan to think about how it all went wrong.

And how to get his revenge.

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