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... I don't even know what to say here because you all probably thought I was dead but really I'm horrible at updating frequently.




Also, I'll be competely honest and say that I do not deserve nearly this much support for this solangelo fanfic. I admit I did not put as much effort before as I would've liked to. You guys are all amazhang and I hate myself for not updating any sooner.

(As Leo Valdez would say, I'm a pretty sucktastic writer)

Don't worry though, I'm back from 5738538 years of writer's block. I'm here to stay until this story ends.

I dedicate this chapter to all you solangelo shippers out there, especially those who've been urging me to update, (yes I do see your comments haha) and those are the comments that got me to write again.

If this wasn't going to be a chapter about solangelo I'd probably write a whole rant about how awesome you guys are for sticking with me after so many months.

*gives everyone reading this a virtual hug*

Love ya all, Kai.

Also dedicated to fandomsarebae and Fragmented_ for making me update ^-^

And please, read fandomsarebae 's The Soul Diary and Irresistibles- 's Glass Hearts because they're amazingly written stories that deserve 110% more attention.

ok ok I'm done you may now read the chapter you've waited so long for :D

Will had no idea Nico could be more lively than himself- a son of the sunny and always optimistic Apollo. As he walked back to the infirmary with Nico trailing not too far behind, he glanced back and saw him grinning at no one in particular.

Nico looked like he rose from the grave and hadn't seen the sun in ages.

Which was definitely strange since Will just forbade him from participating in any camp activities. He was beginning to think suspiciously of Nico's unusual high spirits.

Setting his thoughts on Nico's buoyant behavior aside, Will quickly entered the camp's infirmary, and almost ran straight into Catherine, his fellow half-sibling. Out of all of his brethren, she was his closest family.

Immediately he was reminded of their brief encounter the other day . . .

He was staring at the son of Hades, who had instantly fell asleep in bed. The bed was wooden and uncomfortable, but Nico was effortlessly put to rest after so many months. Will wondered how long it has been since Nico had been clean of nightmares.

Will was vaguely in disbelief. The Nico he knew awake was fierce, tough, and even frightening. Just a few days ago, during the final battle against Gaea, Nico was almost inhumane- attacking with his deadly Stygian iron sword and summoning haunting ghosts from the Underworld. His hair was disheveled with a wild look on his face.

Now, staring at the sleeping Death Boy, (Will really was fond of his own created nicknames) he looked so peaceful. All of Nico's fear, or any sign of his worst memories, had worn off.

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