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When Nico ever woke up, Will wasn't sure whether he wanted to strangle him for turning back on his promise or kiss him fervently like he might close his eyes for much too long again. If he woke up, Will's hopeless mind reminded him. Unfortunately, he had a lot of time to think about what he would do.

It had been over a day since they had their battle with the bloodied up giant who Will immediately discerned as Tityos. The same giant who, in the past had tried to harm Will's grandmother, and yesterday had meant to kill him and his half-siblings. Will knew he was dead meat as soon as he missed his archery shot wide. But Nico had saved him without hesitation, giving away all his living energy, as if it didn't matter to him.

Now, Will couldn't return the favor and save him. He hadn't gotten any sleep ever since, and was positive he wouldn't be able to sleep later this evening. Even with his doctor expertise, there wasn't much he could do except wait it out. Yesterday afternoon, after carrying Nico's limp body to the infirmary and checking him into an emergency room, Will measured Nico's heart rate with his stethoscope. He was relieved to find it beating at a slow but steady pace.

He hadn't left the room since then. There was a bathroom extended to this particular room, and Catherine had stopped by often to check on him and offer him food, which against his health morals, he declined. So he spent much of his time just worrying, thinking, staring at Nico's angelic face, and worrying some more. Will could feel the burdening weight of regret on him, like someone had tossed a knapsack filled with boulders on his back. If only he, a demigod of Apollo, hadn't thrown away his priceless shot. If only he kept a closer eye on Nico before; Will kept replaying every conversation he had with him after Chiron made the Capture-the-Flag announcement for any sign of opposition. If only he hadn't hid away Nico's only weapon in the depths of his cabin's chest; how ironic it was that Will's motive for doing so was to keep Nico safe. If only he hadn't left him behind the night before the tournament. If only...

There seemed to be no cease-fire of the colossal guilt army fighting his mind. Will stood up from his leaning position against Nico's bedside table and started pacing back and forth the cold hospital tiles, hoping it would ease his internal war.

He promptly remembered the other time when Nico was sleeping peacefully. Will had made some sort of hand symbol to ward off all evil. So much good luck that did, he thought bitterly.

But bitter never really suited Will well. Just thinking bitterly gave him a bad taste in his mouth, like those sickening grape pills he sometimes had to chew as a kid, making him even more ill. Not swallow, but chew. He knew he had to stay optimistic, so he resolved to stop moping around. Will took one last glance at Nico's face. So heavenly without the creases of pain and sorrow. Except it also was so coffin-like, like Nico was being prepared to be put into a casket at his funeral.

Then he left the room, heading to the Big House. Will needed advice, and if anyone could offer some wisdom, it was Chiron.


Will arrived at the porch of the house painted light blue, just like the sky during the daytime. He was about to knock when the door opened and out came Chiron, his hooves covered by a blanket and tucked into a wheelchair.

"Oh hello there Will," Chiron greeted him with a smile, but he sensed sympathy laced with it. "I was just about to visit Nico, how is he doing? Any changes?"

"Nope," Will answered glumly. "But I was hoping you could give me some advice as to what I can do. I've tried everything I could think of and nothing has woken him up."

But he didn't say this: he was petrified of not only Nico never waking up again, but Nico spending all this time trapped in a nightmare.

"Well, for one, you look like you could surely use some rest. Now before you protest about leaving your fella boy, is that how they say it these days? Regardless, I don't doubt you won't be able to sleep easily, which is why I suggest visiting Clovis."

Ah, the Hypnos cabin. But what was the point?

Chiron seemed to read his mind. "Have you ever heard of the saying 'sleep on it'?" Will nodded. "Good, it's one of the few rare pieces of wisdom mortals give to other mortals. My point is, judging by the dark circles around your eyes, I'm guessing you pulled an all-nighter yesterday. I understand your feelings for Nico, too." Will felt his face flushing red. "However, if you want to do any good, it's better if you sleep for awhile so you bring your best tomorrow. Perhaps you can gain some guidance in a dream."

"Thanks Chiron, you made a good point. If you don't mind I'll be..." Will gestured towards the row of newly built cabins. "...going now."

"Great! Oh, and one more thing Will." He turned around, snapping out of his hurry. "Don't be so hard on yourself, it wasn't your fault. We all owe Nico for his admirable bravery." Chiron smiled proudly, for Nico, like a father with pride for his son. Then with a swift motion, the centaur leaped straight out of his handicapped position, threw his blanket straight onto the wheelchair, and with one Whoosh! of his tail, he whapped it straight through the Big House doors. And off Chiron went, galloping gracefully to the infirmary.

Will stood for at least a minute, unable to register what had happened. He had been in this camp for several years, yet he had never seen such a profound trick.

With his spirits immensely brightened, Will began to run towards the Hypnos cabin to take a greatly needed nap.


A/N: Hello readers!! Sorry for updating a day later than I planned on, I was actually busy writing other things. Someday, I might even publish those too! Speaking of other published stories though, apparently there's some sort of stereotype, I guess that's what you could call it, that people who write fanfiction aren't good at writing their own original stories??? I'm not exactly sure if people actually think that, but obviously that's not always true. So forget about that, here's a heads up that I'll definitely be publishing some original stuff sometime soon. I'd be thankful if you guys ever bothered to check those out, but that's an announcement for another time.

Well that's all for this time, and expect another (short) chapter upcoming next week.

See ya,


P.S. if you caught that teeny tiny Hamilton reference above ilysm

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