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Well, technically Nico did wake up to the sight of a hot fiery ball of gas in his face.

A few moments later he realized it was just a very, very sunny Will.

Will was sitting down on the bed, leaning towards him. He was glowing even more than before, probably because it was almost noon, the time when the sun is strongest. Will had changed into his regular Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, so he looked less ridiculous than before- green surgeon shirt and flip-flops. Nico couldn't help but relish Will's golden blonde hair.

No! This can't be happening! His mind screamed. He was not falling for a guy he was pretty sure did not like him back.

But a little part of his brain, deep down, was hopeful. He does seem to care a whole lot, so maybe he does have feelings for you.




Nico snapped out of his daze. "Oh, right. Hi. Sorry. I'm okay. I guess." He stuttered. Wow, now he couldn't even speak a complete sentence in front of Will.

"Are you sure? You've been staring at the ceiling in a trance for 3 minutes!" Will appeared to be extremely worried.

"Yea, I'm fine." Nico managed a smile. He'd been doing that a lot more lately, especially around Will, but it still felt unnatural.

Will Solace looked more relieved at the moment. But Nico noticed some uneasiness in his eyes, as if he was nervous about something other than him.

"Are you okay?" Nico asked. "You're acting like something bad happ-

"Yep, I'm fine. Just great," he interrupted. It was strange to see Will almost bitter, while he was pretty much always cheerful.

It was Nico's turn to be the optimistic one. "Come on," he said, quickly getting up before Will could protest. "We're getting some lunch." Without hesitation he took Will's hand and pulled him out of the room.


They were now devouring their food at the dining pavilion. It turns out Will hadn't eaten anything but some granola bars for the past several days. He was working overtime healing all the injured demigods.

And for Nico? He basically lived off of those pomegranate seeds for months. Nico was doubtlessly ready for a switch in his diet. His new favorite food- McDonald's. All this time just eating fruit worked up his appetite so much he could probably beat Percy in a cheeseburger-eating contest.

Which got him thinking... what the Hades was Percy going to say to him now? Nico was surprised when he realized that he genuinely didn't care about how Percy would handle the news anymore.

He glanced at Will. Nico was glad to see that Will's frustrated expression earlier had faded away.

After ravenously eating his lean steak sandwich, Will exhaled loudly, as if he had forgotten to do so before.

"So, you feel better well-rested?"


"...Could you be more specific? Like the details?"

"Eh, I guess."

Will sighed. "Not only are you dense, you're also impossible to deal with."

"Fine then. I'm currently suffering from sleep deprivation, the condition of not getting enough sleep."

"Now that's better." Will chuckled. "I love it when you talk medical to me."

Nico swore Will just winked at him, as if there was some kind of inside joke behind his comment.

Suddenly the son of Apollo stood up. "Sorry, I forgot something in my cabin. And I want to show it to you."

"Oh, okay..."

"You better not disappear!!"

"Stop bugging me! I'll be right here," Nico grumbled.

When Will went off to his cabin, Jason immediately walked up to his table.

"Hey Nico!" he said with a sly smile. "I see you've been 'hanging out' with Will Solace lately."

"Um, yeah. And the point is?"

"Oh nothing," Jason said, but he definitely did not mean nothing at all. "It's just that I absolutely can imagine you and him..."

"Um..." Nico's face turned bright red.

"Hey man, I didn't mean to embarrass you." he laughed. "Well maybe I did. But I just want you to know that I'm wholeheartedly supportive for anything you decide to do."

"Um..." Nico said for the third time. "Thanks. I guess?"

"Come on, I know you like him. Or at least you're starting to. But you know what?"

"What?!" he snapped. He was done with this lovey-dovey nonsense.

"I have a feeling you guys are meant to be. And I think he has a crush on you." Jason was grinning now.

He snorted. "Sure."

"Trust me he does." Someone then called Jason over.

"Sorry, Nico. I'll talk to you later. But just wait until you see." With that, Jason left to go chat with his other friends.

Will Solace returned a few minutes later, grasping something behind his back. Nico was really curious, but Will told him to close his eyes.

"But I-" Nico protested.

"Nope. Just close your eyes."

He groaned, but obeyed.

Nico felt something being put over his head. He's making me listen to a song?! He wasn't really a music-type guy.

"When the song plays, don't open your eyes yet. Wait until it's finished okay?" He could hear from the headphones a click, probably the play button.

"Okay," Nico nodded.

And the song began:

*guitar intro*

Hold on, to me as we go
As we roll down, this unfamiliar road
And although this wave is stringing us along

Just know you're not alone
'Cause I'm gonna make this place your home

Settle down, it'll all be clear
Don't pay no mind to the demons
they fill you with fear
The trouble that might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found

Just know you're not alone
'Cause I'm gonna make this place your home....

Wow this was much longer than I thought it'd be, but I guess it makes up for not updating in several days =)

Nico's reaction will be in the next chapter.... duh (; But does anyone know which song it is? Comment here or feel free to do so anywhere else!

Lastly I just want to thank you guys sooo much. This is my first fanfic, and I already am getting what I consider a lot of views, votes, and comments. So thank all of you <3

P.S. I think this is my best chapter so far, partly because these lyrics >>>> idk they just describe Nico so well... hmm maybe I should do a side chapter with just an explanation of this song. What do you think? All of your opinions count so please give me feedback ^-^

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