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A/N: I'd like to thank @fragmented_ for making my cover cause it's just AMAZHANG (^-^) and she's a great writer... but i hope you like this chapter!!


Annoying the Hades out of Nico was Will Solace's new favorite hobby. Maybe not quite past healing the injured yet, but definitely past singing random songs. Oh gods, he thought. Why wasn't he born with some awesome talent for music? Or at least, not horrible enough to sound like Grover's Panic!

But Will soon forgot about that, and he has grabbed Nico's hand, eager to take him into the infirmary.

He couldn't deny it. Will did like Nico, but he wasn't sure how strong a feeling it was yet...

"Move along, Death Boy," he said, ignoring Nico's extremely murderous face. He definitely did not have a friendly face at the moment. Will noticed the son of Hades's cheeks blushing.

Not letting go of his hand, Will said a quick hello to Catherine, his fellow sibling, before entering one of the empty hospital rooms. He closed the door with one hand, the other preventing Nico from escaping. Finally, Will let go of his hand, and realized that Nico's face was even redder than before.

"Lay down, Sunshine," he said. "Don't forget, doctor's orders."

"Oh shut up- and DON'T CALL ME SUNSHINE!!"

"So sorry!!" Will said with a mocked guilty expression. "Can you please lie down?" He attempted to give Nico a cute puppy face. He sneered. Will pleaded with his eyes.

Nico now had a smug look. "So, son of Apollo, are you truly apollo-gizing to me? As charming as you may be, you definitely will NEVER fool me."

"Wow, you truly are the king of puns and sarcasm. I should call you Master Nico from now on." Though Will couldn't stop thinking about the DiAngelo kid calling him charming.

"Well, at least that's not the worst nickname you've given me so far. So thanks," said Nico, still looking exasperated.

Surprisingly, he settled on the bed, smoothing the sheets and fluffing up the pillows. He yawned, but Will couldn't tell whether Nico was faking it or not.

"I'll go to sleep as long as it means no more annoying people."

"Fine then, but Doctor Solace says to eat your lunch later."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," Nico grumbled, but got under the blankets. Within seconds he was snoring softly.

Will bent over and brushed Nico's hair out of his eyes. And didn't I say you needed more sleep, he scolded silently. Nico DiAngelo looked more peaceful than Will had ever seen him awake.

He really did look like an angel. A handsome angel with a pale face and dark hair. Will realized that his skin was slowly converting back to his original smooth, olive skin. That's a good sign. Hopefully he's getting much better.

But a tiny part of Will was yearning for Nico to stay in the infirmary as long as possible. He had this nagging feeling that Nico would withdraw himself as soon as he recovered.

Without thinking, Will gently kissed Nico's forehead, and did the three-finger motion to ward off evil from ever harming the son of Hades any time soon.

Will heard someone gasp behind him.


haha sorry for that cliffhanger and my terrible puns... I just had to add those :|

anyway yes I know this story is a bit slow-going but I have plans for more exciting chapters mwahaha 😈

btw guys how often are you supposed to update? I'm busy with school and stuff but I could always find extra time to write.

finally thanks for all those who voted & commented!! y'all make me smile =)

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