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A/N: Hey!! Guess who hasn't updated a new chapter in over a month? hahahaha.... yea about that... SO SORRY I kinda lost inspiration to keep me going D:
but I should probably stop talking now... but one more thing: HAPPY NEW YEAR'S AND HAVE A GREAT DAY!!
i hope you like the (late) Christmas gift I've prepared for you... ready to open it? well keep reading and thanks for all the love and support <33
P.S: that picture above is the most adorable thing I've ever seen omg
Little did Nico know that the "all was golden" moment wouldn't last forever. But of course, in demigod life, that was expected.

Immediately after he and Will had drank their goblets of Sunny D, (it actually tasted alright) Chiron stood up from his pavilion table and cleared his throat.

The campers were still chattering. It had been a long time since they talked about hairstyles and dresses (Aphrodite cabin), fruits and vegetables (Demeter cabin), and pranks and the possible theft (Hermes cabin).

Since Chiron's method proved ineffective, Dionysus stood up as well and spoke rather calmly.

"If you preferred to not be turned into strawberry bush or driven mentally insane, I'd kindly suggest you listen."

The noisy conversations stopped. Nico gulped. He had experience with being transformed into a plant, and he did not enjoy it.

"That's better," the wine dude said, then gestured for Chiron to speak.

"As you all are aware of, the last several days have been hectic. Dionysus and I think we need some competition to brighten our spirits. So lets take a vote. We have two options for our event, which will take place tomorrow: chariot racing or capture-the-flag."

As Chiron was speaking, Nico saw from the corner of his eye that Will giving him the look. The Don't-Even-Think-About-Participating-In-Either-Dangerous-Activity-Or-Else look.

Nico pretended he couldn't see him.

"So who votes for chariot racing?" Chiron asked after he gave the demigods a minute to choose.

There was still a loud commotion. It seemed that they realized that one day was not enough to build their own chariot, except for maybe the children of Hephaestus, Nico thought.

He was proven right. All kids from Cabin #9 raised their hands, shouting "Bring it on!"

The entire Ares cabin also voted, along with most of the Athena cabin. At the last second Percy and Jason did their bro-fist-bump and yelled out as well.

"No one else for chariot racing?" Chiron asked. There was still everyone else including the major cabins: Aphrodite, Apollo, Hermes, Demeter, and of course, Nico himself.

"Who wants Capture-the-Flag then?"

Everyone else who hadn't chosen pumped their fists in the air along with Will Solace and Nico...

Before he could even speak Will had already pushed Nico's arm down.

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Uh, is there a problem?" Nico asked innocently.

"A problem?! Did you forget you promised me to follow your doctor's orders?! And that doctor is me!"

Nico could single-handedly defeat an army of terrifying monsters, knock the swords out of the most vigorous fighters in camp, and has even endured the darkest depths of Tartarus.

Yet he lost to Will Solace's stubbornness.

I'm not going to let this one guy boss me around Nico thought. I'll have to formulate a plan if I want to fight in this game at all.

So the son of Hades decided to lie.

"But technically I didn't swear on the River Styx," Nico feigned a groan. He couldn't agree with Will too easily. That would make him suspicious.

"True, but you still promised and I take promises seriously," Will plainly stated.

"But I'm perfectly fi-"

"Nope, not at all," Will replied. "You still need at least a few more days rest before you can even pick up a sword."

"Even then you can't participate in Capture-the-Flag in risk of using your dark powers," Will continued. "Signs from your overall physical appearance show you are lacking of sleep and nutritious food. The sooner you can get back to total health the sooner you'll be released from the infirmary and free to do as you please."

For gods sake, Nico wondered. Since when did he become so doctor-like with his vocabulary.

"Well lets get started on my pure torture," Nico grumbled, but complied.

"So you're promising me?"

"I-I promise."

"Finally someone's not as reluctant," Will grinned. "Though I admit I'd love to have you join our team, DiAngelo."

Nico almost felt sorry that he had lied to Will. Almost.

Surely the son of Apollo would hate him after he broke their agreement. Or at least dislike him. The worst part about it however, was that Will would lose trust in him.

I just can't stand by while everyone is having all the fun Nico reassured himself from feeling guilty.

"Nico?! Are you alright?!"

"Oh... yea fine... thanks."

Nico looked around him and realized he and Will had completely zoned out on Chiron's announcement. Will then asked his siblings, who said that Capture-the-Flag would take place tomorrow after dinner.

Suddenly the sky went dark. Murmurs broke out between the campers.

It was noon and the demigods just had lunch, but the night was already visible?! Nico was in disbelief. He anticipated something evil was lurking about. And he swore he heard the crack of lightning somewhere in Long Island.

He felt someone take hold of his hand. It was Will. From the reflection of the moonlight Nico could see Will was slightly frightened, his light blue eyes now dark.

"It's okay," Nico said gently, squeezing his hands. "The sun will shine again.

He was right. Within a few minutes the sky brightened once more, and sighs of relief came from the campers.

Nico could see Annabeth was discussing the scenario with Chiron. Piper and Percy were talking too, looking concerned.

And Jason? Where was Jason?

He scanned the area until he finally saw him. And Jason was grinning towards him.

Why are you grinning? Nico mouthed.

Jason smirked, then gestured towards Nico's hands. His left one was still holding on to Will's.

Surprising himself, Nico didn't get mad.

He smiled at himself and gave Jason the So What? face.

Jason grinned again and shrugged.

"Uh, what is Jason even doing?" Will asked.

"Oh, nothing really," Nico quickly said, but laughed.

"Fellow campers," Chiron announced, and the dining pavilion grew quiet.

"There's no need to worry anymore. You may continue your camp activities this afternoon." And that was all he said.

Nico noticed Annabeth and Chiron exchanging worried glances, while everyone else was eased.

After Will suggested that his cabin become occupied with their usual training, they were now alone.

"Come on, Death Boy. You've got healing to do in the infirmary if you ever want to fight again."

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