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"So, uh Doctor Solace... what are we doing at the beach in the middle of autumn?!"

"I wanted to take you on a da- I mean, walk... what a beautiful day it is, Nico!"

Will spoke the truth. Despite the sand feeling cold beneath his toes, it was smooth, not grainy.

And of course, he was holding hands with Nico DiAngelo. In a platonic way of course, the son of Hades probably thought this had something to do with his healing process.

They continued to stroll along the beach, steering clear of the water. It was fall after all, perhaps not the best time to splash around in the ocean. That is, until...

"Hey Will, you're the smart one, right?"

"Wow, what a compliment! I'm flattered by your sincerity! That's the first time you've been nice to me!"

"Hmph... first time you've been not so sunny, Mr. Sarcasm."

"Yeah, well... what were you going to ask?"

"I was wondering if the ocean would be warmer. See, I wasn't exactly a school and homework kind of guy, but I remember something about water being warmer than land at some point... what do you think?"

Will thought not, but decided not to mention it.

"I think you're right... why Ghost Boy, are you actually suggesting we jump in right now?"


Will's heart did a kabooom, because didn't that mean they would have to...

"I mean, of course with our clothes on," Nico's face exploded with red. "It's much too cold."

Will once again decided not to mention that Nico just said the water was warmer, and reluctantly agreed.

"Well... race you to it..." He took just his sandals off, and dashed into the sea.

Nico was quick to his feet too, which gave Will hope that maybe things were better.

In seconds, the two were yelling and splashing saltwater in each other's faces, just like little kids.

Will had a sudden weird thought, and stopped for a moment.

Nico stopped too, and they both stared at each other for awhile. And Will knew that Nico was thinking the exact same thing, because they started to crack up again, just like they had seven days ago.

"How symbolic the sea is, Will," Nico smiled.

"What a metaphor, Nico," Will replied, grinning ear to ear.

He grinned right through the moment Nico kissed him. Though Nico was no son of Apollo, Will felt like he was being kissed by the sun.

They stood there for a long while after that, hand in hand, clothes dampened, the sun shining on every inch of exposed skin.

Will sighed happily. But he had one more thing to say...

"By the way, I kissed you first, at least I sorta did while I was in your conscious..."


So may Sunkissed Solangelo live on and on and on and on and on...

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