ch.10 not a best way to meet again

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3rd pov

We see all of the students went to there dorm as izuku followed aizawa to principal office while nezu, AM, and recovery girl were behind them, as all of them arrived in front of nezu office, all of them get inside and nezu went to his chair.

Izuku changed to the detective naomasa and asked "so, what do you want to ask me about?" Nezu coughed and asked "first of all I want to thank you for the lesson and advices, and for our questions or more like my questions, what're you hiding from us?".

Izuku sweated by that as he asked "what do you mean? You know my past, my connection with some villains and civilians, I am not hiding anything from you" nezu thought about it asked "and how are we so sure about your honesty?".

Izuku pointed at him and said "because my life is in your hand, she is outside, looking for me to do whatever she's thinking about or taking advantage of the mistake I made" all of them were worried of his talking, his tongue wasn't threatening, anger, explanation, but sadness, nezu asked him "what mistake".

Izuku sighed and said "knowing yuki, if I didn't know her, she wouldn't be in danger, if I didn't know her, she wouldn't be involved in this mess I made, she must be out of this no matter what, she have nothing to do with my mistakes" it was quite, too quite, but it was broken by aizawa "how do you want to do to keep okumura safe?".

Izuku chuckled and said "keeping a hero away from danger? That's impossible, but keeping problem away from her until she becomes a hero? That may be possible, when I knew that she is alive, I wanted to cut all of my connections with her, her family, her neighbourhood, from anyone knows me, or rather, talked to me, but it's impossible since we're now a classmate, which get to the only solution we have".

Aizawa raised an eyebrow and asked "which is?" Izuku looked at him and replied "protecting her, her classmates, even her family" as they continued there talking and discussion, as it ended, izuku went to his dorm.

As in his way, he thought 'sorry nezu, but I am not planning to tell you what I am hiding soon, I know you trust me, but onece you know what I did, no one will forgive me for what I did' as he was in front of the dorm, he went inside and met with the eyes of the students.

Izuku was nerves as he went to his room as aizawa told him his number, but he stopped when he heard kirishima asked him "hey, jok- I mean midoriya, why don't you come and talk with us?" Izuku scratched his back neck and said "do you really want to talk to a criminal? In the eyes of the law, I am nothing except a criminal or even a villain".

Kirishima thought about it and said " front of the law, you're criminal, but not in front of us" as some nodded, izuku smiled and started to talk to them.

Next week

It was the day of the sport festival that most of the people of Japan and heroes were there, as they were starting the event, while izuku was getting ready to his patrolling with tensei, as he was waiting for izuku near his agency.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Ingenium" as he looked for the source of the sound to find a old man "um, sorry, but it seem you got the wrong person, I am waiting for someone" the old man chuckled and changed to a young man, as he said "better? I don't know why you thought I am not your partner since you know already I can change to anyone".

He sighed and waved "let's start, I.....I never went on patrol with a vigilante so it's something new" izuku chuckled and said "don't worry, just pretend that I am another hero but more funny and less strict, by the way, what's your brother problem, he seem so strict with everything" tensei scratched his back neck and said "actually, I don't know why he's so serious with everything".

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