ch.11 scared of a hero

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3rd pov

Izuku hold his stomach from pain as he was looking at chiaki, he changed to someone by name of chisaki as he used his quirk to rearrange his cells to recover his wound while saying "and don't forget that I have a quirk that allow me to use any person quirk I want!".

She laughed and attacked him with a her nails, but her nails were longer and sharper like claw, as she swung her claws that cut some of his clothes, izuku used his quirk to make spikes coming out of ground, only to chiaki open a gate that swallowed the spikes.

Izuku changed to an old man with a jet shoes, as he vanished and reappeared behind her to kick her from behind, but she ducked and caught his leg, she pulled and swung him that launched him to the wall, she laughed and said "you know, you can't defeat me with those old tricks, you know there's only one appearance that can challenge my level".

Izuku got more annoyed by that and yelled "I won't turn to him!!" He changed to ryukyu and changed to dragon, he used his claw to slash her, but she dodged it, he tried his tail, but she caught it and kicked it that made a lot of pain to izuku, he changed to mirko and used his strength, fastness, and high jump to take her down, but she didn't budget by it.

Izuku got annoyed that he turned M.lady and punch many time which made a lot of smoke, when he got tired, he waited until the smoke was cleared, when it was cleared, he saw the she was covered by a barrier, he thought 'I won't last long, I need a new tactic', he changed to a young man and waved his hand, then changed to endeavour and throw many fire ball and spear, chiaki said "I think it's time to end this show".

In a split of a second, she was behind him and grabbed his head, he turn to punch her, but she grabbed his wrist and *crack*, "AGGHH!!" She broke his arm, he tried his other hand, but *stab* "UGH!!" His other hand was stabbed by her nails, he wanted to dash behind to make some distance, but he couldn't move, he looked to his legs, only to see that his legs were covered in stone.

He looked at her, only to see her smirking face, she released both of his arm only grabbed both of his cheeks and mover her face near, izuku was scared in this point, only then, she kissed him, she kissed him in front everyone, in front the heroes, the audience, in front yuki even, he broke the kiss and spite out from disgust.

He felt weak in that moment and asked "w-what did" She smiled and said "I need you, but you won't come willingly, so I have to take you with me in a way or another" he couldn't move or do anything, as he was unable to move but still have his consciousness, she smiled and kissed his head, she opened a portal and was about to go when someone took izuku from her.

She looked behind and saw that aizawa pulled izuku by his scarf while saying "I won't let you take him" she asked "how did you get out of my quirk?" He said "he changed to a boy and waved his hand that sent a sound wave to cancel your paralysing quirk on us" as present mic and Cemento were behind him with AM too.

She smiled and said "look like it isn't my lucky day yet, see you soon, joker~" as she went through the portal and disappeared, the paralysing quirk was cancelled too, as everyone were able to move, izuku was about to change to his true appearance, all of the audiences and Japan was about to see the true face of No.1 vigilantes, until, cemento made a cover that hid izuku.

Aizawa yelled "the joker is under our protection, but we won't reveal his appearance by his wish!!" As many wanted to see his true appearance that made them yelling to show his appearance, but the heroes didn't let them.

They took izuku to recovery girl office while covering his face, class 1-A went behind them too, to see if he's fine, when they entered, they saw tensei on the bed, they didn't know what to do about him since they want recovery girl to check him without revealing his identity, they were about to call recovery girl to check him in other room, but they stopped when izuku said "it's okay, he can know about it".

They looked at izuku who can move again, he didn't change appearance, as he went to tensei and said "sorry to leave you alone partner, but I didn't have much of the time then" tensei looked at him and said "so, the famous joker, No.1 vigilantes, the one who no one saw his face, a psychopathic girl is after him, and the one who saved a teenager".

Izuku laughed and said "why everyone care if I am teenager or adult? Not caring that I am handsome, cute or adorable" tensei chuckled, izuku sat down next to him and recovery girl started to check him, tensei said "you know, you made the wrong choice there" izuku was confused as he asked "what do you mean?".

Tensei pointed at the TV at the side, izuku looked at it and it was showing news about him fighting chiaki, as the reporter said "in this daylight, a fight happened in the sport festival of UA between a villain and No.1 vigilantes, the joker, but something happen as the joker was defeated by her, the fight continued for a while, the villain was a female that no one knows about her anything except the joker, but what made the people there scared wasn't the villain, but joker, here's some video that security cameras caught".

It showed the fight, but what caught izuku attention wasn't the fight, but the audience, they were terrified, as they looked at izuku with terrifying expressions, in that moment, the door opened and the students got in and the reporter said "is the joker really a hero who protect others? If so, then why those people are scared of him, not the villain?".

All eyes were on izuku, tensei said "be careful, people don't care what good do you do to them, if they saw something bad in you, they never gonna forget it" izuku didn't answer, instead, he chuckled, which made everyone in the room worried, izuku looked at tensei and said "I am not worried if you people think bad of me, do you know why? Because I am not a hero".

Then the reporter said "wait, it seem that there's a video from unknown person spread, as we're showing it now" in the video, it show chiaki, izuku got annoyed that he clenched his wounded hand very tight that it started to bleed again, she said in the video "that was really a good reuniting, don't you think joker? But unfortunately, it was short, next time, I hope we could talk more peacefully, but I am not her to talk about that".

"I am here to talk about those faces of those audiences, it was so funny how all of them were scared~, and what's more funny is that, they weren't scared of me, they were scared of you, how ironic is that, there saver, that one that they trust like AM, HAHAHA, what a joke, like you joker, it almost reminds me of those who were scared of you, when was it, OH!, I remember, the day you killed me" as she put her finger on her neck and ran it all the way to the other side of her neck, as she started to laugh that enraged izuku, as he punched the TV that made his hand bleed so much.

He stood up and was about to leave, he stopped when he saw the faces of some students looking at him, some were worried, some scared, and pity, izuku didn't like those eyes as he ran outside, the heroes went outside with all of the students except tenya, as he wentcto his brother to know if his brother is fine.


And that's for this time, hope you enjoyed, and I hope to see you next time........I hope it's near, anyway, BYE!!.

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