kenmas pov

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After the crazy doctor examinded me commenting things like "good good" " youll be ready for the next dose by tommorrow" and much more morbid stuff like that. 

But she left soon  and in came a nurse,she look nice but ni the nice ones always stab you with sharp things . The nurse grabbed my arms as they fought agaisnt her needle. I always have hated needles espicially when some pyscho maniac bitch is trying to stab you with one . My eyes hurt and my body shivered but I still wiggled and tried to break free of her long sharp convient store glue on nails. I was able to fight my legs out of the straps enclosing them and I was ready to kick ass but I didnt kick it I more of tried and then fell to the floor after pushing the nurse down .I ran out of the room yelling for help like a loser deadpool would have been ashamed but as I was running my dumbass tripped and fell into the arms of what I would assume another crazy ass person who just so happened to stab me with another needle and I meet the darkness once again.

*sorry for not posting i promise ill post more*

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