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At the studio...

"Damiano what was all that?" Victoria asked, her hands placed on her hips not knowing whether to be frustrated or feel sorry for him.

The band had followed him off stage and its safe to say the interview has finished. Damiano is standing in front of the dressing room mirror, his fists clenched leaning on the table. His eyes, look sad but his stance is giving the impression that he's furious.

"I'm not having that absolute dick talk about Marlena like that" He says, anger in his voice.

"It's alright Dami, ignore him, he's just an interviewer. Don't worry about that they think" Ethan tells Damiano, putting his hand on his shoulder.

Damiano stands up straight and grabs his bag, heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" Thomas asks.

"I'm going back home, to see Marlena. I don't know what I'm going to do. This is similar to the reason we originally broke up. I'm going to have to convince her to stay with me now. I can't lose her again, especially not before we head out on tour from tomorrow"

"Damiano I'm sure she won't-"

He rushes out the door, closing it behind him.

"Leave you..." Vic says.

At home...

Fuck. What am I going to say to Damiano? Is he angry at me? What if he's mad at me for ruining his interview, even though I wasn't there the subject of me ruined it all. Oh no, I don't want him to leave me. I can't loose him again.

I pace up and down the living room. My heart is racing. Shit where even is he? Where did he even go?

I sit down on the sofa, and turn on the TV. I decide to put on some cartoon. It's weirdly comforting enough. I manage to relax a little, I'm still absolutely scared Dami is going to be mad at me, but I don't even know where's gone. I could be waiting hours for him to come back.

I lay here for a while, I'm getting bored now though. I'm going to go to the beach. I need to get out. I need to clear my mind and feel free right now. I gather my things: my swimsuit, suncream, sunglasses, towel, snacks  myand a few more and head off to the beach. The walk isn't too long, maybe 10 minutes from mDamiano's house so I manage to get there rather fast.

I always love the beach. The smell of the salty sea, the brightness of the sun and the feeling of sand against my feet always makes me feel at one peace. I find the perfect spot on the beach. The quiet place. Only two other people in sight. I always come to this spot. The birds and I on the sand. Finally, peace.


He rushes into the house.

"Marlena, Marlena!" He shouts, searching around.

"Where has she gone? Oh no, she's run from me" he panics, running up and down the stairs.

He picks up his phone about to call. He turns around to the sofa, to see my phone there, ringing as he calls.

He slams his phone down in frustration and collapses onto the floor. He usually is able to keep it together but tears immediately start flowing down his face, dropping into the floor as he thinks he's been left again.

His phone beeps. For a minute he hopes it's me but then realizes my phone is only a few meters from him.  He picks it up, it's Vic. She's sent a photo.
He unlocks his phone to see another paparazzi picture. But this time not of him.

"Look it's Marlena" Vic texts. "She's at the beach, the paparazzi have released these saying 'is this Damianos mystery girl' god, they are so weird" it's good to know, Vic feels the same way.

Damiano in an absolute flash, stands up to his feet and rushes out the front door, heading to the beach. He runs, at a pace he couldn't go faster than in hope he would get there in time.

He's out of breath, but can see the beach now. He has to get there. He's still convinced he's been left so his stomach is still churning and thought are rushing in and out his head if he wonders if he's too late.

But then he sees me, laying there on the sand, my eyes closed and he walks up.


I feel so relaxed. The sky above me, not a cloud in sight. The warmth from the sun, warms my body, dressed in a red two piece.

"Marlena..." I hear behind me.

I sit up immediately and turn my head around, to see him. Without hesitation, I jump to my feet and turn to him.

"I'm so sorry" I say.

"Why are you apologizing to me? I'm sorry" he says his arms held open.

I run into his arms, holding him as tight as I can. His arms hold my waist and grip tightly onto me. He kisses all over my face.

"I ruined your interview. I got brought up and everything just went wrong. I don't want to ruin your career" I tell him.

"Marlena, amore mio, I love you more than anything. It was him, the interviewer not you. You could never do any wrong" he tells me, looking into my eyes, holding my arms.

"I don't deserve you, I love you" I reply, as I lean forward to kiss his lips.

The kiss is passionate and we continue without breath. Things are escalating. He doesn't break the kiss only pushes me closer to the sea. Soon only our heads are visible as we continue in the water. Our bodies together...

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