my dreams are coming True

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Due to my therapist's strong suggestions to make a journal or notebook of the events that are taking place, I present this story of my current situation. Let me start with my name. I am 22 year old Azaan Snow, and I live alone. The friends I did have tell me I'll die alone after they slam a door in my face when I terrified them with my questions. What kind of questions? The ones that make the remaining friends of mine look at me concerningly and sometimes call a welfare check on me, or tell me to see a therapist. Now, I have no friends and my family is useless to me. Any time I try to talk to them I am talked over or thrown out for telling scary stories and scaring the children. My one was when my aunt looked me dead in the eyes and said "What drugs are you on?". So my life is a bit more messed up than most. I'm surprised I'm even able to work or survive the new life that I was given. 
The reason my life is so bad? I have sleep paralysis. If you don't know what that is, let's imagine you wake up in your bed but can't move your body, only your eyes. You have this horrible dread in the pit of your stomach, like an instinct telling you to get the hell out of there. Maybe you're one of the unlucky few and find yourself unable to breathe, in a panic trying to talk or get help, but you're simply helpless. This is when you notice something. You're not alone in your room even though you should be. Maybe you see the eyes or body of someone in the corner of the room, coming in. Maybe a door cracks open just slightly or you hear raspy breathing like a chain smoker was speaking in your ear. These are the typical events that most, if not all, would expect with sleep paralysis. Unfortunately for me, I am not so lucky.
Before I relay the events leading up to me making this thing, i’d like to tell you about the demons that regularly visit me. The first one is Jeff. I call him that because I believe that if I give him a nonthreatening name he will go away. He began appearing at the age of 8 and has gone away. Seeing he is still around, the name simply stuck with him. He is just a blurry, shadowy figure that stands in the far corners; out of doorways or cracks in closets. He keeps his distance but watches me through sleep paralysis, never moving or blinking. I consider him the least threatening because he never got close. 
My early teens is when the detective showed up. His shadow is more pronounced and detailed compared to Jeff. When he first appeared I thought it was a stranger in my room until he lit his cigarette and the light from his lighter showed his face a bit too well. He looked like a detective from the 60's or something but his eyes were missing, just gaping holes where his eyes should have been. He is interesting to say the least. He asks me questions like a detective would. The old, old sounding voice is almost like my day which makes me believe he is in his late 30s or maybe early 40s. The smoking was the worst part, it would smell so strong I would want to cough out my lungs sometimes. He is rather attractive with a well-shaped jawline and messy hair. Of course, the missing eyes and smoking are a turn-off. I'm normally glad to have him as he is, not scary, unless he is just mad. He does mess with my stuff and asks me about them. The odd questions began when he asked about Jeff and where the dog came from. I never had a dog and at the time he said this I was a bit confused, but now I wish I never found out what he meant.
The dog I call smiles, the first time I saw it I was horrified and scared for my life. It started like any other sleep paralysis but instead of seeing Jeff watching more or smelling one of the detective's cigarettes, I heard paws and nails running throughout the house and clawing at my door until it opened and there stood mouths full of canine teeth almost glowing in the dark. A pearl white glow shined from them. Besides his teeth he had his long gray tongue that proved it was some kind of canine. It grew closer and as it did the teeth went from a German shepherd size to what werewolf teeth would look like after a dentist gave a permanent white treatment on its teeth. I could feel the hot raggy breath that smells like rotten meat. It stayed just close enough to my face that I could feel its breath and if it wanted to bite my face I would be unable to move. It turned its head to the right and appeared to disappear but I then heard its claws slowly tapping on the floor as it cycled towards my bed and felt the bed shake as it climbed up on the other side. I couldn't see it as I was fixed on the door. I could feel its hot breath hitting the back of my head as I could also feel the hair being blown from it and into my face. After that, I dreaded every time I heard his claws scratching through the halls as he barreled to my room. Something about it being so big and close put my heart into overdrive. 
Now that you know the three demons I deal with on a daily basis, let's talk about what brings me to fear for my life. Seeing how I always have sleep paralysis, I never got enough sleep. So having a normal job was out of the question but being a YouTuber, well it's the only thing I can do and it almost pays the Bills. For the rest of them, I donate plasma and that helps a lot. This brings me to when they began to appear outside of my dreams.
 I got a weird comment one day saying "I like your mask". I didn't own a mask, so I thought it was a troll telling me my face was a Halloween mask. I didn't pay any attention to them. Throughout the live stream, I continued to see comments about a dog. So I flipped off my game and looked at the feed that was still going, I nearly fainted right then and there. In my feed peering out of my closet were smiling teeth shining into the camera. I turned around and nothing was there, so I got up and went to the closet as my feed was still going. I took a deep breath and opened my door to see it was filled with my clothes and shoes but no dog. I was relieved and terrified at the same time. I was happy there was not a massive canine beast jumping on me and gnawing off my face but not only did others see smiles, so did I, and I did not have a sleep paralysis episode. 
From here it was only getting worse. Sometimes I would be taking a shower when I start to smell smoke. I’d pull back the curtains and see nothing but I’d know the detective was there. Sometimes I would see Jeff out of the corner of my eyes in the back of the grocery store or while I'm walking. I’ll see him peeking from behind a house or tree. I thought it was all over when I began to stop having any sleep paralysis episodes with normal dreams and amazing sleep. This lasted two weeks and during this time I applied for jobs and had an interview and even made a few new friends from YouTube. For once my life was going well, but it was only the calm eye in the middle of the hurricane. 
Then after my interview, I got the job and was going to start my new job the next day that would have me no longer worrying about bills or money. Except this is the night I would have the best sleep paralysis episode I would ever have. Instead of one of the three being there with me, all three were. The detective was pacing in front of me angry and mumbling at something as Jeff was at my bedroom door holding it as smiles viciously attacked the other side, almost ripping the door off the hinges. The detective yelled at me saying "YOU THINK YOU CAN GET RID OF US JUST LIKE THAT HUH?!" I had no clue what he was talking about. He then said, "Listen doll, you have left us no choice. We are not willing to roll over and die because of you. Now it's a fight for survival and you're the one that's going to lose!". He pulled his lit cigarette from his mouth and yanked my arm before jamming his cigarette into my arm. I wanted to scream and cry in pain as tears filled my eyes but I was not able to move. He then tossed the cigarette to the side and stood back from me as he lit himself another one and took a deep inhale of it. He then said, "I'm sorry doll, but I'm not going back to that place and you're forcing my hand. I am truly sorry." His cigarette turned to Jeff still barely holding the door as smiles never calmed down and still went at the door. I saw the cigarette go down and back up meaning he nodded at jeff. A few seconds passed and Jeff moved from the door and smiles bashed it open and skidded across the ground with such speed. His jaws agape, large enough for my head as he was mere seconds away from tearing into it. I woke up, drenched in sweat and heavily breathing I quickly looked around the room to see it was over. 
I began to calm down till I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I looked and saw I had a cigarette burn mark on my arm. My heart dropped as I then noticed there were claw marks going from the floor at the edge of my bed to the door. I stood up and walked to the door to see very deep gashes in the door where smiles was trying to get in. I didn't believe my eyes, so I recorded a video with my phone and showed my followers the damage to tell them what happened. No one believed me and told me I needed help for harming myself. I can't go to sleep or I believe I won't wake up. I know it's impossible to stay up for so long but I simply can't go to sleep. I'm scared, as crazy as that is. So I wrote this all out and well, it's been more than two days of no sleep. I started to pinch my arm or have an alarm set every 10 seconds to make sure I don't fall asleep. It's getting hard and I believe I will be falling asleep very soon. I can't eat, I can drink anything as I will get tired. The pain in my stomach helps me stay awake, but I have dozed off more than once and I would smell smoke each time I did. Maybe I'm wrong and I'll be fine, at least if I do die I'll be asleep. I will let you know after I wake up. 

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