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A man fought with his wife about missing food and drinks he bought. His wife would claim not to have anything to do with it. Well, the man eventually got a video camera and recorded the nights of his kitchen and living room while he slept. In the morning when he saw his stuff was missing again he looked at what he had captured that night and found a lady was living in a hidden compartment just about all the time. The couple called the cops and had the girl arrested. This is a true story and had a good ending but for me, I can't just call the cops and they take away Jessica in my walls. I have tried and Jessica just hides, but lately, she has been coming out of the walls and walking around my home. I know I sound crazy but it's true, Jessica lives in my walls. 

Before I go into detail, I want to explain one other thing that is true that may make you try to believe we are not alone in being at the top of the food chain. Humans have natural fears such as being afraid of heights, fire, darkness, etc. What about the fear of human-looking objects like mannequins. If you believe our fears come from our ancestors then can you explain why we would be scared of humanoid things? My conclusion is that in the past humans fought or were attacked by unknown humanoid things which gave us a permanent fear of such things. Now I don't have this fear but I am afraid of bugs which will become my great weakness against Jessica in my walls. 

You are probably wondering who Jessica is. Well, she is a humanoid being that lives in my walls. Also when I say walls it's quite literally, there are many crawl spaces throughout my new home that used to be used to hide away runaway slaves. Now I won't get into detail on all the history of the place, just know my home has many and many spots in its walls to hide and survive. I would like to say Jessica has been doing it for a very very long time. So of course she knows the house much better than me and I have to give credit where it is due. She is a very sneaky girl and I rarely catch her, hell I can't count the many times she was just inches from me and I didn't know. Well little did I know the day would come and out of all odds she was on my side or at least protecting the house not quite sure but I like to think we are good buddies now and she has stopped taking from me as I have been giving all the stuff she needs. Of course, I know she owns the house more than I do and I just happened to be welcomed because I provide her food and water to her heart's desire. Maybe I should start from the first day I moved into my home and from there tell you about everything that lead up to her killing another humanoid thing. Honestly, the best moment of my life just imagines in your life is to see two real monsters fight to the death. I get all giggly just thinking about it. 

Let's start with me I guess. I am a 22 year old male that works online for a massive company and I am very well paid for my work. I choose the days I work and live stream my work to the higher-ups for payment. I'm not sure if anyone else does online work like that but they do pay the big bucks so I stick with it. A few weeks ago I decided to move homes as I didn't like the city as much with the outbreak of covid jacking up all prices. So I began looking for a new home and I managed to find a cheap historical home in the country. Knowing this was a bit too perfect. I looked into the home and saw the home had a pretty dark history and was weeks ago when the last owner went missing. I gave the person in charge of selling the property a call and within a day or two, they were giving me a tour of the home. After they showed me most of the rooms I told them I like to explore for a minute.  She nodded then waited in the kitchen for me. I almost forgot to give the details about the house. So the house is two stories and has a basement. Many crawl spaces and places to crawl in and hide as I said before. The house has 1 bathroom and 3 bedrooms. Downstairs is the living room, another bathroom, and kitchen, and dining room. Everything was old, maybe a gothic style. I'm not sure about the home style, but the living room and kitchen were redone to suit the most modern of people. 

Now that's out of the way let's talk about them this week. So with the real estate lady downstairs in the kitchen, I walked upstairs to what I could presume was the master bedroom, it had a connecting bathroom with a walk-in closet.  I walked around the room picking where I put my belongings and in what order they were in till I heard a scratching sound come from the closet. I slowly approached the closet, thinking an animal got in the house. I opened the door to a dark Abyss and felt the walls for light. Once I found it I flipped on the light and saw it had old wood shelves and hangers to the right as to the left was an old Chester draw. Other than that there was nothing in the closet, so I chucked the sound up to the house still setting or maybe rats, because at the time I was a skeptic of the supernatural. I can for sure say I'm a believer now of course. 

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