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After all, humans had been through it would be a simple sickness that would nearly wipe us out in 2120. We now call it The Silence Pandemic. Despite having flying cars, android helpers, and the most advanced technology known to man we fell victim to this airborne sickness. Before we knew what was going on we had already lost 75% of the world to it and there. By the time there was a cure, there was no one in South America, Africa, Australia, Asia. At least no signs of life of humans remained there. The very few that survived and got the cure were spread through North America and Europe with rumors of some in Antarctica. I'm in North America but as far as I can see human-made structures are in ruins as the planet has begun to take back what is hers. How the pandemic began was people just to the ground dead, with no warning or even a sound. Suddenly in a week of this 10% of humans had died and everyone began to panic. The military stepped in to stop the riots and looting but it only made people panic more as if they were forced to die. 

Unfortunately, the military was not messing around and when the riots continued, they put their foot down hard. This is known as the Chattanooga Massacre. 87 human lives were lost that day, it was just like any day. Hot and busy as it can be when a riot at a Walmart began and people were taking everything off the shelves. The military showed up and began to open fire killing everyone, bodies were everywhere. I still can't believe it happened, the heartless act. The military was to protect us and now are the thing that is gunning us down in cold blood. It was all over the news for days, until more news about the terrorist bombings came on. The people of the USA had turned on their government.  Little by little the citizens overthrew the military.  Mandatory curfew, roadblocks, and many more things we're doing to stop this but soon enough there was no government in the US.

I was in college during all this, learning to be a doctor of all things. Once it was official and the government was overturned is when everything went downhill. All crimes were legal and there was no one to be there when you were robbed or needed medical attention. There was no one there to sell you things as well, grocery stores were empty, everywhere you go things were looted or closed and burned down. I luckily only saw the aftermath as I traveled to my parents' log cabin where we said we would go to make it through this. It was horrible, seeing dead bodies tossed to the street as if they had never been carried alive inside. Murder in plain daylight, the world had finally come to an end for once and all. It wasn't the great silence, but humans themselves that killed most humans.

After making it to my parents' cabin I had found them to be alive and joyous that their daughter had made it home one last time. That night we had a feast unlike any other, as we believed our time was soon. If not by the silence sickness then by looters or murderers. We recalled the great moments in life, like the time they taught me how to ride a bike and dad broke the training wheels off it by riding it himself. Mom And I laughed as dad refused to let that happen like he always did, saying the company should have made better quality bikes. Another story that came up was the first time I brought a boy over. My dad had the boy escaping out the kitchen window while dad tried to pull him back in by his shirt as mom tried to calm him down. Dad yelled, 

"My daughter shall bury me alive before I let you dare touch her!" 

We laughed it off to dad being his overprotective self. One of the best stories was when mom and dad both had to explain the birds and bees to me. Dad near fainted thinking of his daughter doing the dirty and was saying bible phrases as mom calmly and collectively explained what sex truly was. We ended the night with a final toast and left the dishes on the table and put them in the fridge as we told each other we would be back to clean up in the morning. That was the best sleep I had gotten in a very long time, being under the same roof with people that love you for you and would die for you. There's nothing like it here anymore. In the morning as promised I got up and began to clean off the table. I was about halfway done when I figured I should wake up my parents to fulfill the promise we all made together. I went to their door and knocked before confidently saying.

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