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Let me start with the fact that I am part of a new sport you have never heard of. Called the "sport of sex." In a few hours, I will most likely be dead, so I am writing out everything that happens in the sport, so others don't make the mistake I did and join this sport. The main idea of this sport is for two opponents to be in a glass cage 100 feet in the air on a concrete floor. The neck chains both opponents with this device that goes into the back of the neck just behind the head. It measures the amount of dopamine being released by your brain. Suppose you reach a specific amount which is only possible by the climax. You will be dropped from the glass chamber to the ground below. None have survived, of course, that I saw. This sport is well hidden by the wealthy. It might not sound bad to have rough sex with a stranger, but when you are 100 feet in the air, you will die if you climax. That's when it's being taken too far. There are a few rules, like touching the chain on the other person, not trying to break the glass, and don't tell anyone about this sport. I'm breaking the third one, but I will die tomorrow anyway. Let me tell you about the first time I was put in the cage and how I got there. 

I was born with blonde hair and blue eyes. Growing up, I was the well-known attractive girl you heard rumors about. Ones that involve you and me in a bed. So of them was turn and other not so much. I swung both ways, so I rarely did say now. But at 18, I was living on the street, fresh out of my parent's home after they figured out I spelled with few females and men and smoked weed. Yeah, I was not the most clear-headed person but them throwing me out was uncalled for. I near died on the streets but on my 5th day, with no food and barely any water, I was picked up by a man roughly my age. He offered me dinner, a place to sleep, and everything I hadn't had in 5 days. So, of course, I went with him; it was that I would die on the streets. So I did what I had to live; we had a bit of sex once I was clean and healthy feed. After he told me I could do this for a living and never have to go back to the streets. I thought of having sex for a place to sleep and eat. It is just like 50 shades of dark. So with that mindset, I said yes. The next day, he blindfolded me, and we drove for, I don't know how long., a good day at least. Once arriving at the destination, I was taken out of the car; I felt the temperature drop dramatically, meaning I was up north somewhere. I could hear snow under my feet as we walked. I could feel the temperature change after entering a building of some kind. Inside the hearing door, she held me close; the blindfold was taken off. In front of me was a group of very well-dressed men next to the bodyguards. I was in a massive open concrete room with a ceiling that seemed to reach forever. I then noticed a glass chamber just hanging from the top. 

One of the older gentlemen near the front of everyone said, "I see you are willing to be a part of our sport?" I looked at him nervously nod. He had this evilest crooked smile before saying, "men show her to my room so I may run some tests." The bodyguards escorted me through a corridor of concrete. Once I reached a door with the title "overseer" above it, I was pushed into the room, and the door was closed behind me. Inside was a doctor in complete surgery uniform. He asked me to sit in a dentist's chair and leaned it back, making me put my feet on the armrest as if they were those things in the doctor's office that allow the doctor to have a full view inside you. It was uncomfortable as he stripped me of my clothes and began to listen to my heartbeat. Had my breath in and out. He then stuck the stick in my mouth, looked inside, and moved around my gums, checking my teeth. He then opened me up from both holes below. It was even more uncomfortable, especially after he put the device in my ass and made it expand. That hurt so bad I began to tear up. At this time, an older guy came into the room with a devilish smile. The doctor looked at him and said, "she checks out nothing wrong with her. A Perfect contestant for sure " the old man then gave the doctor a roll of hundreds and said, "I have a few tests to run myself; how about you take a break you work so hard all the time." The doctor took off his gloves and looked at the cash. He nods before taking the money and leaving. 

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