dad came home different

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It was late when he arrived home for the last time. Minutes ago before he broke the front door down mom hid me and called someone. He was never a bad man, he didn't drink, he didn't hurt us but that was not him that night. I heard mom scream and began to stop before a loud boom echoed through the house. Then another and another till something came crashing to the ground and I heard my mom crying. I came out of hiding to see a pool of blood around what used to be my dad. I don't remember him having a split bottom jaw with thousands of sharp teeth or the many eyes on his face. Mom looked at me as she was on her knees next to dad. In a blink of a eye dad hugged mom tightly as she screamed of joy. She fell over and was shaking like one of my friends when her sugar was too high. Dad must have given her a sweet. He must have had an extra one as he rushed me but he scared me, and I went back to my hiding spot but dad saw me and grabbed me with such excitement. That's when he bit me, it hurt at first but then I felt cold from my feet to my head. That's when blue and red lights showed up as dad was hugging me. He was happy to see others so he went and tried to give them a hug. That's when those loud booms echoed but they sounded distant.

I woke up in a different hiding spot. This time I didn't have any clothes and there was a door at my feet. I called for dad and mom, that's when the door at my feet opened and I was pulled out of my hiding spot on a table. A man in a doctor's outfit looked at me in shock, I guess I was in a very good hiding spot. He fell backwards and hit his head, he had a boo boo on his head. I went to help him but seeing his boo boo I got hungry, that's when my mouth opened like dad's did and I gave the man kisses to make his boo boo better. He didn't get up. Instead, this is when a female in the same outfit came into the room and saw me helping him. She screamed for others to help me fix the man's boo boo. This is when an old man showed up and took me from that place. I asked if he knew where my mom and dad were. He nodded and said "he was bringing me to them, I was glad to see mom and dad again. But the man turned into the woods, I then asked "is this a short cut." He didn't answer but he looked at me in the mirror so I guessed he wanted me to play the quiet game. Eventually he got out and helped me out of the car. I looked around and said "I don't see mom and dad, are they late?" The man nodded and said "just look towards the front of the farm and you will see them soon." I listened to the man and looked at where the car was pointing with its lights and saw a lady with a big smile and many eyes. She waved to me, I waved back with a smile. The man behind me gashed and said "holy sh..." I turned to see a very big lady giving him a hug from behind. I felt a hand grab me and I turned to see mommy. I laughed and said "mommy! It's you. The man told me ''I see you again... where's dad?" She kneed down and said "he had to go on a trip but told me that we get to go on a trip to a very big mansion far away and there we can do anything we want. Does that sound good, baby?" I nodded and followed mommy with the very tall lady to a car. They gave me a book and told me to write everything that happened down. This is all that happened, mommy seems different but so do I. I am starting to get hungry again though, mommy assured me that there is plenty of food that I need at the mansion. I'm excited.

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