I Am A Custodian

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The name is Scarlett Holland, I am 25 years old female ginger with green and cyan eyes. A rare breed of human at least that's what miss Jacksonubima says. which I have earned the honor to say her nickname which is jack. See I work for miss jack as a Custodian for one of her many homes on earth. What makes this home so special is it is a place she brings girls her mother rejects from being some group called the family. Here is the kicker, this girls are from other planets and universe. I know right I couldn't believe it my self the very day I got the job.

I was working as a barista in a small hidden coffee shop that most posters went to to hang out and tweet about life and all the new things they are part of. I was on front counter taking a order when I heard the familiar ring of the small bell above the door which made me stop everything I was doing and say.

"Welcome to the cozy bean, have a seat anywhere you like."

I glanced at the door to see a girl a bit taller than me with extremely dyed hair and fake eye color things making her eyes and hair be this gold color. Her outfit was like a biker outcast. She fit in rather well to be honest but something was different about her. She gave me a smile and a glance before looking around the room till her eyes landed upon this other customer that stuck out like a sore thumb. It was a man cosplaying something, he didn't have a shirt or shoes with his Jeans ripped and dirty. If I had to guess he was a homeless man. He had brown eyes and brown hair, with a weird tattoo around his wrist. The only reason I didn't kick him out yet was because my coffee shop was at its limits of customer and I was rather busy taking order with the other girl working that shift being overwhelmed by the drink orders.

This is when the man in a scarf and beanie with clothing far to thick to wear inside any building scuffed at me as I had been staring at the girl that walked and not to him. In a gritted teeth he said.

"You need to take my order and get it completely correct or I am leaving a bad review!"

He at this point near yelling at me which gather everyone's attention including the girl and man that didn't fit in. My lazy manager came out of her office and came to me and looked at the customer as she bumped me out of my stop and snapped her fingers at a table with dishes on it. This ment you fucked up we will talk later but now move out of my way. This was a normal thing and each time after the shift she leave me with the closing chores as she took her 3 hour smoke break and gets more mad if I didn't have everything ready to go.

Only due to the fact I needed this job I nod and did as I was told and went to the empty table that had two empty cups and some trash. I grabbed the cups by the handles with my right and trash in the other hand. I made my way back to the kitchen by my arm was gently poke to my arm. I looked to see it was the girl with fake hair she had choice to sit with the homeless guy. She gave me a smile and said

"Have a seat darling, I like you to join us for just a moment your boss wouldn't mind it would she?"

I froze up because this is in no way normal situations, I looked at my boss then the girl. I saw my boss was busy with the customer I pissed off. Seeing I was a few second from quitting, I shrugged and thought.

'Fuck it, you deserve a break.'

I sat down at the table with the odd pair. I figured they went to some cosplay or maybe a homeless man knew a girl with far to many issues. Sorry if I sound very judgmental but working with posters for 3 years will change you in many ways to add to that self hatred you have for yourself. The man surprising didn't smell and the girl eyes and hair up close seemed to be very real like she paid professionally for the look. This is when I thought maybe they was in a new upcoming movie and walking around to get familiar to their costumes.

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