𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥

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So given recent events, my Diana told me I should write about it as others may like it. I'm sure she was not fully serious, but I believe it is a fantastic idea. Someone somewhere may be dealing with the same stuff as me at the moment, and this could help you get through the hard times, as dealing with the supernatural is not a walk in the park. Specialty when you have a werewolf girlfriend and a ghost roommate with a pack of other werewolves that don't like to be in their land. Let's start with some details about me. I am Vanessa Yates, a weird name I know; I am 18 years old and currently living in a cabin in the woods. I know it reeks of horror cliche, but this is not a horror story.

Well, maybe not all of it. As for what I look like, I have short brown hair that comes to the bottom of my chin. It has a life of its own as it never has a single style. I don't care for it, but some people tell me to brush it or fix it. Why try to fix something perfect? My eyes are of a dark blue near drown, I know that is odd what to describe sights, but that's the best I got. My nose is a bit crooked, and I have average lips. As I'm on the slightly tanned side for what's under my clothes, but I have more fat than muscles if that helps. I need to know all the details; well, I wear a size eight shoe and am 5.7 feet tall. My breasts are on the smaller side, but I love them as I know I won't have many back problems because of them, like the large tit girls. I mean, some of them can smash a watermelon with their tits; why would you want that? Sorry, I'm getting off track. My dressing style feels cozy and not tight on my body. Now with that out of the way, let's talk about how I grew up. 

Most children have an imaginary friend that lasts till they are three or seven at the least. My friend would move stuff and be able to talk to me and everything else. I kept it from my parents. Imagine your child at 13 comes to you and says, "I have a ghost as an imaginary friend, and she died where you sleep. Exactly not well at all. So all through school, I kept these things to myself in college. That's where I met Diana Valentine. I somehow got scholarships to go to a private college. Everyone was much richer once there, and their family owned something like a store or company. Me, I was working a simple fast-food job. One day while working on school work on my break, I was answering a few questions when a group of people came in, went to the front, and waited to order. No one got to them right away because we were short-staffed. This is when they saw me sitting at a dinner table doing homework. One of them said, "yo, workers take out orders. We are far more important than that high school homework!" I looked up at the backdown, not paying any attention to them. 

I had only a few more minutes before I went to break so they could wait. Little did I know one of them had grabbed a drink off someone's table and begun to pour its contents all over my almost-finished homework. I sat there and watched as all the papers soaked up the soda, and the group laughed as I was about to cry. I got up and started to try and pick up my homework as one of them said, "you going to take our order now?" I looked at them with the sternest face and said, "you need to leave this store now!" They laughed at me. This was till Diana said, "you should apologize for your actions." She was wearing black boots with skinny blue Jeans. For the top, she had a white shirt and a leather jacket. She looked like a greaser, but one will a lot of money. Her hair was dirty blonde and messy seeing it was flipped back off her face. Her eyes were a dark gray that sent a shiver down my spine. Her cheeks appeared to hold a natural blush to them; her lips were a light shade of red. She was undoubtedly attractive, with her large breast fighting her plain shirt to be freed from their cotton prison. I couldn't help but stare at her in awe for a moment.  

I even wanted to begin to pull out my wallet to pay myself due to the feeling she gave off with her stern voice. Some instinctual urge telling me to do as she says or I would have to spend with my life. I assume the guys felt the same as they quickly pulled out their wallets, threw 20 dollars, Bill, at me, and left the shore without turning back. I looked at all the money and not knowing what to say or do. This is when Diana sat at the table, pushed the soaked papers to the side, and looked at me as she put her arms on the table. She stared at me, and I became extremely nervous for some unknown reason. When she finally spoke, I nearly jumped out of my skin "thank you." I was confused; why did she thank me? This was when she said, "it's what your spouse says to someone that helps you when you need something ." I wanted to facepalm myself at that moment. Of course, in these odd feelings she gave off, I had forgotten to thank her. I quickly stumble over my words to thank her, but it comes out a jumbled mess till I somehow say, "what are you?" I was not even thinking those words, but they came out of my mouth like I was saying them. She put her hands on her chin as she leaned on it and stared at me without blinking. At least I didn't see her blink; I wanted to swing at the air near her to have her blink, as it was just so weird. This was when my phone went off, and I pulled it out to see if it was time to get back to work. I quickly dashed off to sign in and hid in the back for the rest of the day. The whole day I couldn't get her out of my head; something about her seemed so wrong but right at the same time. She was an alpha of the human kingdom, a queen hidden in everyday clothing.

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