Chapter 16

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I turned around and saw someone run towards me, it was that girl. But she looked nothing like a human would. She looked like Alice angel, this was Alice. I was talking to Alice. And there she was, wanting to kill me then and there. But she was stopped. An inky hand wrapped around her mouth, and she soon passed out, dropping to the ground. I looked up from her, and who I saw made me feel uneasy.

It was the Ink Demon.

We arrived at this giant room, a bunch of screens replaying his cartoons were on the wall, and in the middle of the room was a weirdly shaped chair. Underneath the chair was a small hill of ink mixed with a few objects, the steps leading up to the chair were cogs, and right next to the chair was a broken audio log.

"Why's it broken?" I asked, pointing to the tape. Immediately, he grabbed the log and threw it to one of the screens. Of course, that did nothing, they were just projections. He growled, looking at me.

"It doesn't matter." He replied, crossing his arms. Then, he left, leaving me a chance to explore the room.

I watched every short clip of the cartoons that were on the walls. All of them being short clips of Bendy from different scenarios of each episode. The first one I saw was of the little devil trying to open a treasure chest, but falling afterwards. The second was of Bendy driving a train. The third had the butcher gang in it, another one had Alice on stage, the next being Bendy and Boris. Another of the butcher gang fighting, more of Alice, the devil and wolf having a picnic. Until finally, the last one, Bendy with a firehose. That last one I saw made me smile as I remembered that was the first one, and the only one I had ever watched. 'Bendy in Hellfire fighter' Was what it was called. Although it wasn't the first episode to come out, it was the first one I had ever watched.

Joey didn't like it, but each time an employee left, they would get a 'goodbye gift'. The gift each one received was a cartoon of Bendy from any episode, and well, Wally got that one. Of course, most employees binned them, not wanting to keep any memories of the studio, but Wally wanted to keep them. It reminded him of the very few kind workers here at Joey Drew studios, those being Henry, Susie, Jack, Allison and after a while, Tom. Though, he only knew Henry for such a short amount of time due to him being one of the first workers to leave the place. It was just Joey and Henry for years until they hired Wally and a few other people, then before the whole company knew, it had grown so much. That's what my grandad told me.

I never realised I stayed seated on the floor, staring at that last cartoon for a while until I hear footsteps. It was the Ink Demon. He stared at me, that same smile stayed on his face, and never dared to leave. We stared at each other for a few seconds before he spoke. "Why are you sitting on the floor?" I looked to where I was, I indeed was sat crossed-legged on the floor. I shrugged, getting up from the uncomfortable floor. Then I walked towards him.

"No reason" I replied, a plain look on my face. Again, I looked around the room. "You live like this?" He shook his head and grunted, walking past me. I already guessed he wasn't much of a talker. Or maybe he was just like that around me, who knows...

"You're probably wondering why I saved you, hm?" He turned his head, looking at me. It took me a while, but I slowly nodded, telling him to carry on. "Well, that's because you're going to help me."

"Help you?"

"Unless you want to die, then yes, you're helping me." Quickly, but harshly, he grabbed my hand. He pulled me over to the bottom of the stairs to his throne, but he held my hand so tightly, that it hurt. I tried to get him to let go of me, but to no avail, he held it so tight that if I moved a bit, my hand would hurt like hell for days.

"You're hurting me!" He huffed, and finally let go. Making me exhale, feeling that my hand was now free. I shook it a little bit, but it still hurt, not a lot, still, it was painful. If he could do that to my hand, I don't know what he'd do to me if I don't listen to him. "I take it I've been lied to..." This made the Ink Demon stop, looking at me confused. "I was told you were nice, but I guess people were wrong-" I crossed my arms"-what happened to you?"

"And why would I tell you?" He asked coldly. "I used to be kind, but not anymore. Because I've been taught that kindness is a sign of weakness"

"But aren't I helping you?"

"That's..... different..." He sighed, figuring out a way to reply to that. He felt annoyed about how many questions he'd been asked by this girl. "You're just helping me, okay!?"

Then he moved closer...

"Because if you didn't-" Now, his face was 2 inches away from mine, it scared me a little. Maybe I should be more careful with my words... "-You'd already be dead!" It made me shiver, his voice changed, more into a demonic tone, and I didn't like that one bit. He then scoffed and moved away. The room remained silent for a while until he came up to me again, grabbing ahold of my wrist this time. Not tightly, but a good enough grip so that I couldn't escape.

"What are you doing?" I asked in alarm.

"Well, you're going to need sleep if you're helping me" Bendy said, taking me up to his throne.

"But didn't you say kindness was a sign of-"

"Weakness? Yes, I said that. But do you really want to go up and face Alice right now? While you look and probably feel sleep-deprived?" I shook my head briskly. "Well then-" He sat on his throne, sitting me on his lap. "Go to fucking sleep."

I never wondered why he had kept me on his lap to fall asleep on, it was obvious he didn't trust me. He also knew that I could escape at any given moment. I didn't like the Ink Demon very much, though I had to admit, it was pretty comfortable. I would normally have to toss and turn around at night to get comfortable but no, there was no need for that, nor did I need a blanket, it was surprisingly warm. The only thing I didn't know where to place was my head. Could I place it on the armrest? No, that'd make me uncomfortable. Could I rest against his chest? What if that would make it awkward...

Surprisingly, he moved my head so that I was resting myself against his chest. I could hear heartbeats from him. Only thing was, he never seemed like he'd be the one to have a heart, given that he's made of ink, and his attitude was horrible. I kept thinking about the name he'd mentioned. Alice. Could it be Alice Angel? Maybe she was the same girl who talked to me on the speakers. This made me tense up, just who was she? I opened my eyes, looking up at Bendy, he looked right back at me too, we stayed like that before I closed my eyes again, beginning to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

'Stupid Ink Demon...'

Word count : 1315 words


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