Chapter 18

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I didn't know what to do. Bendy asked me to help him, to gather some information about her, information he didn't know of. But I never realised that I didn't even know what I was doing, nor how I was going to get the information he needed. And now Alice wants me to do her some favours!? It's all confusing! Who am I helping throughout all of this? The Ink Demon, or the Angel?

"Follow the path, it'll lead you right to me. From there, I'll explain what you have to do."

I looked at the door in front of me. Again, I questioned whether it'd be a good idea to walk inside or not. I felt like Alice was only waiting for the perfect time to come and get me, to kill me. I knew this wouldn't be a good idea right from the moment Bendy left me. I was now alone. If I die, I die. Then again, he probably wouldn't care anyway.

I took a deep breath and walked into the next room after the door had opened. Another corridor with twists and turns was what I walked through, it was only short though. Once I reached the next room, the door shut behind me. I turned around to face the glass. There, stood Alice. She was sampling some ink off of an Edgar clone. When she noticed me, she dropped the injection and stepped back. 

"There you are, my errand girl." She spoke, smiling creepily. "Do you like what I've done to Striker?" I shook my head. 'Who's Striker?' She may be referring to the clone, but that isn't Striker. That's Edgar, I'm sure of it! 

"You don't? Well, that's too bad." She sighed, putting her hands on the glass. "What is your name?" 

I didn't respond for a bit, contemplating whether I should tell her what my actual name was. She looked at me as if she was talking to a dead person. Then again, I did zone out for half the time.

"Oh....uh..." I blurted out, still pondering the best idea. 'Screw it...' I thought. I was going to tell her my actual name, mainly because I couldn't think of any other name to use. "(Y/N)! That's my name!"

It took a while for her to respond. The only words that came from her mouth were 'suits you'.

"So then, (Y/N), about all the trouble you've caused-" She started. 'Trouble!? I've been anything but trouble! It's her who's been causing so much chaos!' I almost blurted that out. Luckily, I stopped myself at the right time. She never knew I was going to speak, so she was never left suspicious. "-I'm not happy with you, but we can change that. As you may have heard, I require you to do some favours for me. I'm sure you know what'll happen if you don't, hm?"

I nodded, now looking at the clone of Edgar. Or as she may call him, Striker. It terrified me how she could do that to the poor guy. What did he do wrong? Alice chuckled, looking back at me.

"I know why you're here with me. Not because I sent you here, it's because the Ink Demon will beat your ass if you don't. I just know it, I know his ways..." I looked right into her eyes at that moment. He may have his ways, but how did she know about it!? Unless he's done the same thing with the others that have been here. "Don't fret, little one, I can help you. Help you, help me?" She seemed unsure of the last part. Like she didn't want to help me. What was going on between her and Bendy? I slowly nodded my head. "Very well. You don't have to worry about the Ink Demon now, you're with me." Then she banged the glass, but it didn't shatter. "But if you dare disobey me, there will be consequences."

"What's the deal with you two? What don't I know about Bendy?"

"Well, he's only using you..." She replied. I knew that, but if I didn't listen to him he'd kill me. So what other option did I have?

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