Chapter 26

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It was another thing Henry had taught me. I remember that day.
Henry and I were in Joey's office, talking about ideas for the cartoons. While Henry was ranting, Joey had accidentally dropped a glass of ink, trying to put them away. Picking up the pieces, Joey had accidentally cut himself . And at the time, I didn't realise how much of a bitch he was, so I wanted to help him get better. So Henry ended up teaching me how to do exactly that, and I guess it came in handy.

I smiled at that memory, ignoring the fact it was Joey who I was healing. Then I looked back to (Y/N)'s thigh, where the massive shard of glass was. But then someone stopped me.


(Y/N)'s POV:

That scream instantly woke me up. I managed to sit up quickly, hurting my leg afterwards. I hissed at the pain, and held my thigh tightly. Why only now was it hurting!?

'I remember slipping on some glass when I passed out by Bendy, but that was ages ago!'

It hurt like hell.

"SHIT!!" I whispered loudly, lifting my thigh. All I could feel at that moment was pain, and having an audience didn't help.
I knew who was there, as I heard Alice yell, and saw Bendy right next to me on the bed. Being asleep was nice while it lasted...

"Oh, Allison. Didn't think you'd lock her up..." Bendy said, not really paying much attention to her. He was mainly concerned about the shard in my thigh, I could tell.
"Get away from her!!" Alice shouted, threatening him with the pipe Tom had always held onto. My main concern right now was making sure my thigh was alright, I needed to get the glass shard out. The piece wasn't majorly massive. It was alright to get it out with tweezers, if they had any.
"It's okay, Alice. He's not a threat...not towards me at least... Anyway, do you have tweezers...?" I asked, looking at Alice. She only shrugged,
"I can look for them, though I doubt it..." After that, she turned around, rummaging through the drawers. Tom helped look for them too, and they had to dig through a lot of things, including cans of bacon soup, blankets, and other medical supplies.
I looked over at Bendy, he seemed really worried about me. And I found this strange. Why would he be? I was only there to help him get rid of Alice, and I already failed at that. I would've expected him to kill me by now, or to just leave me alone.
Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with him being around, it's just the way that he acts is odd...

Bendy looked away from the cut, and to my face. He noticed me staring at him, my head slightly tilted. I thought about how he could feel right now, and I honestly felt ashamed, embarrassed even. Can't believe I trusted her...
Bendy noticed my frown, and held my hand. He blushed slightly, as he was never the one to do anything like this. He cleared his throat,
".....Sorry for being... harsh on you..." He whispered. Those words shocked me. I even had to make sure if I heard it correctly...
"I said I'm sorry!!" He repeated, sounding angry. I don't think he's apologised to anyone in forever, so I was okay with his strange way of showing it. I smiled, and held onto his hand tightly. We both stared at eachother for a while, until I heard Alice speak up.

"Found it!" She said, walking over to me. She held out the tweezers for me to grab, but Bendy snatched them from her.
"Let me do it." Bendy sighed, holding the tweezers. I looked at him, not quite sure if I could trust him with it.
"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" I asked, eyeing him sceptically.
"Yeah, Henry taught me... Just hold still."
"Wait!" I shouted. "Do you guys have any alcohol to clean the cut?"
Alice and Tom looked at eachother, not quite sure if they did or didn't have it. I guessed they never really looked through their things much.
"We have water." Alice replied, hoping it'd help.
"Water will do!" I said, watching Alice and Tom leave. I looked at Bendy, preparing for the pain. He could tell I was scared, and for that, he let me hug his arm.

"I won't lie, it'll hurt like hell. But I've got you..." Bendy whispered, appearing more softer than usual. I shut my eyes tightly, and squeezed his arm. Right then, I felt a sharp pain right where the glass was.
I screamed in pain, hoping Bendy had done it correctly. Then I looked down on my thigh, the glass shard was gone. Then I smiled at him, thanking him for doing that. I hugged him tightly, which was something he wasn't used to.

"Alright, alright. Let go." He said in a demanding tone. I did as he asked, seeing as he wasn't used to any of this.
I saw Alice and Tom come in with the bottle of water and some cotton pads. They handed them to me and stood back. I poured a few drops of water onto the cotton pad and dabbed it on my thigh. It stung, but I eventually got used to it.
"We also found some bandaids," Alice said, placing them on the bed right next to me. "thought you might need them."
I nodded and took out the bandaid. My leg was weak, so I'd have to rest it for a while. I carefully lifted my leg, wrapping the bandaid around my thigh. They all watched me do it for some reason. After that, I laid back in the bed, closed my eyes and rested for a while.

Bendy got up from where he sat and walked away. But not before checking back on me. They all left me to fall asleep, in which I never did, but they didn't know that.
"Tom, don't get to close..." I overheard Alice. And heard her pull Tom away from who I assumed was Bendy. "We never know what he could really be up to..." She said, eyeing Bendy.
"Hm, that is true, I don't think you should trust me." Bendy smirked, and walked to the door. "But just know that I have no intention of harming you, Tom or (Y/N). I could always change my mind though..."

Bendy laughed and slammed the door behind him. Alice and Tom looked at eachother, feeling even more confused than before. They felt worried for themselves and me.
Even I felt confused with what Bendy said, sure, he's the Ink Demon, he doesn't have a soul, so he wouldn't really care. But then, why is he sparing me? Especially if he plans on changing his mind later...

Now I definitely didn't want to upset him....

A/N: Hey guys, I'm back from my 2 week break! My finger hasn't completely healing, it's bruised quite bad. But I can take the bandaid of it now, and the swelling has gone down!

Also about the glass shard part, if I got anything wrong I'm sorry. I just searched it online and stuff. Anyway, hope you have a great day!

Word count : 1235 words


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