Chapter 19

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"Ah, there we are. That's enough for now." Alice started. "You've proven yourself to be useful, errand girl. I advise you not to disappoint me..." 

I, once again, ignored what she said, still having the same thoughts as before. Thinking about it now,

There's a lot that I don't know about this studio.

"Onto your next task," Alice started, "Here's another easy one, I'd like you to go exploring. Look for valve panels, turn the little wheels, then bring me their power cores. Should be easy enough for you."

I dreaded this. I didn't want to leave, I didn't know what was out there... It may sound easy to her, but not for me. But I should be okay, right? Alice wanted me to do these tasks for her, so she should save me if I get into any danger, right? I just left it at that thought, even if it might not be true. "Where exactly am I going?"
"Anywhere and everywhere around this area. I just need it to be done soon." I heard her say. "To kill the time, you should take the lift-" Then she broke into a fit of laughter. "Oh wait, you can't! It's broken!"
This made me frown, and I felt pretty angry. Of course, I never did anything about it, that would only get me into more trouble.
"Right..." I replied, looking around the room. I got out my axe once again just in case of any 'surprises' along the way. Then I was off.

I walked up the stairs and onto the next floor. This was 'LEVEL P'. I walked around where the lift would be, and I spotted some writing on the walls. The message wasn't clear, as something else was scribbled on, but I couldn't quite tell what was there. The scribbled part looked new. It reminded me that I had the looking glass. I grabbed it from the belt, holding it in front of my eyes. I thought it would make the older written message clear, but no. Instead of that, a new message appeared.
'I'M HERE' it read. I wondered who wrote it. I could hear the sounds of the butcher gang, but I didn't think the message referred to them. As far as I know, most of them around the area was dead. So who could it be?

I groaned, walking down the corridor. The place was odd. So many windows. Then I stopped. 'I haven't seen any windows looking to the outside of this place...' Then I began to wonder...
Who built this place? And why were there no windows? I bet going outside again wouldn't be pleasant for my eyes. But going outside would be a miracle.

I stopped thinking after I felt something hit my leg. I looked at my calf and saw a crumpled piece of paper hit the ground. I picked it up and straightened it. Nothing but a plain piece of paper. Then I heard him, another clone of Barley stood right in front of me. I had to say, I despised the new Barley.
I lifted my axe slowly and crept towards him. This time, he had no weapon, so I was free from harm's way. Unless he used his fists.
Yep, that's exactly what happened before I used the axe on him. I hated doing that. I felt like a murderer...

After that was done, I saw that the walls were darker, and that ink was pouring down from the ceiling. Now, the message on the wall made sense to me. Bendy was here. I heard a noise coming from the other side of the room. Through the glass, I could see the Ink Demon spinning the valves for me. Cautiously, I crept towards him.
"Took you long enough." He sighed, still not meeting my gaze. He continued spinning the valves, and I watched him do so. I ignored the comment and started a different conversation.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, still watching Bendy do my work.
"Well, clearly, this isn't going to get done anytime soon. I'm speeding up the process for you."
"Doesn't Alice know what you're doing?"
"Yes, but she will start to think otherwise soon. If I don't show up for a while, she'll forget about it, knowing I've probably given up."
"Oh..." I shrugged, collecting a power core. "Wait. Aren't there cameras here?"
"Not when I'm here." He finished, starting to walk away. Then he turned back. "Well? Come on then." He demanded. Right then, I knew not to piss him off. So I did as he said and followed behind to the next one.

There were 3 valves. Bendy did the first, and I did the other two. We levelled the ink, and after, he opened to box. I grabbed another power core. After the second one was done, I went to the third one, but it seemed like the others were already done for me.
"Henry left some tasks... Unfinished..."

Bendy's POV:

"Henry left some tasks... Unfinished..." I sighed. I hated saying that name. It just reminded me of the past. To be honest, Henry is a nice guy. He was the one who was there for me, but then he had to betray me.
"Hm, thanks." I saw (Y/N) smile for a split second. That made me feel confused. Sure, I helped her, but only with a simple task. Plus, I was the one who brought her here. Well, forced her to come to this area. There was nothing to smile about in this place. But there she was, smiling. The only thing that ever smiled here is me. I shivered.
"Right..." My voice came out quieter than expected. "Well, don't let Alice kill you. Because this'll be the last time you see me for a while."
Those were my last words before I left. Before I left, she yelled something. She wanted me to wait, but I never stayed. I didn't need to stay. Plus, I didn't want to seem suspicious to Alice, even though she already knew what I was up to.

I sat on my throne, left alone with my thoughts. She needed to forget. I didn't have a plan, I just wanted her to forget. And if she didn't within a few hours, then I may have to sort that out myself...

"Just you wait, angel, you'll forget about it soon... Hopefully..."

A/N: With this chapter, I rushed things. My laptop has been really slow so I've used my phone, hopefully I can sort out the problem in a few days. If not, then I'll have to get used to it.

Word count : 1118 words


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