Chapter 29

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The beast never even tried to harm us, and instead, he scooped us all up, so that we sat on its head. We all held onto the horns tightly, not wanting to fall off, as the beast sped off.
"Thank you...." I said to the large creature, still feeling oddly confused as it all happened so quickly. The only thing I had to question at that moment was....

'Where are we going?'

Not long passed before we reached to the end, the throne room. We all stepped on the ground and stared at the beast. Considering our situation, this must be Bendy. The beast looked similar to him, just... bigger. Plus, Ink Bendy was nowhere to be found in the throne room. Well, he was in front of me, but besides the point,

"What are you...?" Allison asked. The beast scoffed at her as she and Tom walked backwards. The beast (who I assume is Bendy) pulled me towards him.

"Nevermind that, Allison. At least we're safe.." I smiled, looking up at the ink creature. The being growled at Allison and Tom, then stopped for a while. He let go of my shoulder and stepped back, before transforming to his original form.

It was indeed, the Ink Demon.

"Thanks Bendy!" I thanked him for the 50th time. The Ink Demon did nothing but stare at me, not showing any emotion, and not looking like he payed any attention to what I said either. He completely ignored me, and moved on to a different subject.

"So, (Y/N). Did you manage to gather any information at all about the angel?" Asked Bendy. Allison raised an eyebrow and turned towards me, thinking Bendy was talking about her. I mouthed one word to her, and that word was 'Susie'. The Ink Demon tilted his head.
"I'm not too fond of secrets..." He said, impatiently tapping his feet.
To which I replied with,
"I think- I don't know- I'm confused at the moment..." I was still getting used to the fact I could stand up again after days and days of laying in a horrible quality bed. It was also the fact that so many things had happened to me within a short period of time that confused my brain a little. I guess I was still... getting used to things, as one would phrase it.
"I better get answers soon, (Y/N)." Bendy sighed, clearly annoyed. Afterwards, he turned to both Allison and Tom.
"Alice, Tom, I know I'm handsome, but there's no need to stare." Bendy said, the cockiness coming out of nowhere. He smirked at them, watching them quickly turn away. He could tell the two were still very scared to face him, hence why they never said anything.
I laughed at this, seeing how I never expected the Ink Demon to say anything like that, especially right now. They all turned to me, and that's when I stopped laughing right away.

"Well then," The Ink Demon huffed, "I don't assume any of you know the plan yet, do you?" We all shook our heads, really, I should've read that note from ages ago. He let out a deep breath, then looked at me. He kept his eyes on me for a short amount of time, before walking away to his throne and grabbing something. He chucked the crumpled paper at me, in which I failed at catching.
"The note you gave me never really said much on it, but I might have an idea on what's going on."
I opened the crumpled piece of paper and began to read it. Unfortunately, the handwriting was terrible and hard to understand.

Dear Bertrum,

I know we may not like each other, but I need your help. If you're looking for something out of this, I promise to repair you. I have all the tools that are necessary for this job, so there's no need to worry. And if you don't help me, then I guess you'll suffer a fate much worse than Boris. So I'd make the right choice if I were you.

Alice Angel~

After a while of reading, I finally understood what the whole thing said. All I could really do was ponder at that moment. Obviously, Bertrum would've agreed to that, he'd actually be able to move. Then again, I guess being a funfair ride doesn't give you much movement anyway, unless you were, perhaps, a rollercoaster. Even if Bertrum did get fixed, it'd be easy to break him again. And I doubt Alice was going to stick to her part of the deal anyway.

I thought about the letter for a moment, then crumpled up the paper once again. I threw it back to Bendy, which he didn't catch because he never saw it coming.
"... The letter never mentioned about the plan, but at least we know what Bertrum wants out of all this..!" I smiled, amused. But Allison joining in on the conversation caught me by surprise. She seemed too scared to say anything just a few minutes ago.
"What baffles me is how Bertrum can even contribute to Alice's plan. He can't exactly go anywhere, even if he had all of his 'body' parts back."
"True," I agreed, "it only leaves me even more confused about their plan. All I know is that Alice would be labelled 'the most dangerous person' in the studio. We all know what she wants out of this, to take over the studio-" I explained, getting interrupted by Bendy.
"I think I have an idea, but we'll have to go to Bertrum before anything..." The Ink Demon said, looking at the three of us. I was nervous about that. Sometimes, I couldn't tell what he was feeling, mainly because of that constant grin that stayed on his face. All I did from that point onwards was agree with him, even if he was wrong.
"Right..." I huffed.

Alice's POV:

It's funny, I would've never expected (Y/N) to still be alive, especially after 1 month of being in this studio. I'm even more surprised that the ink didn't consume her soul already. Then again, I guess being liked by the Ink Demon has it's perks.
He never liked me, but that's understandable, I never liked that prick either.
I thought about the way he acted towards (Y/N), and came to the conclusion that the soulless demon may have a little 'crush' on the girl, even though it makes no sense.
It's fairly obvious though, his way of portraying himself to others (excluding (Y/N)) is completely different to when he's around the girl. But I guess it just makes it easier for me.

Now I hated the Ink Demon more than ever. The girl was what I wanted, and he took that chance from me. Now all I want is to destroy him, and I don't care if that gets others hurt in the process. I don't even care if I get hurt, as long as he's taken from existence, everything will run smoothly.
"Thanks for making this job easier, Bendy..."

A/N: Did another art piece again! Sorry I didn't make it (Y/N) though... :¬]

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