Chapter 27

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Bendy laughed and slammed the door behind him. Alice and Tom looked at eachother, feeling even more confused than before. They felt worried for themselves and me.
Even I felt confused with what Bendy said, sure, he's the Ink Demon, he doesn't have a soul, so he wouldn't really care. But then, why is he sparing me? Especially if he plans on changing his mind later...

Now I definitely didn't want to upset him....

A couple of days passed since my leg got patched up, and it's gotten better. We all followed the same routine everyday, Alice would come in to give me food and water. Tom (even though he hated it) came in to check on me once in a while, mainly to see how I was doing. Surprisingly, he wasn't harsh with me or anything. All in all, I was doing fine, and so were the others.
Though, I hadn't seen Bendy for a while,
The Ink Demon, now that was a confusing topic. I spent days trying to figure out what was going on with him, why he was acting such a way, and why he actually cared about me. Still, I couldn't find anything.

I sighed, finishing the bowl of bacon soup in front of me. I looked over to Tom, who was the one looking after me today. I thanked him for the soup as I passed it to him. Once he left, I sighed. I took a sip of my water, thinking about later today, when we'd finally get to leave this place.
Don't get me wrong, the place was okay to live in. But the bathroom was disgusting...
Plus, I needed to leave this place sooner or later. I also wanted to see the ink demon again for some strange reason.

Tom came back into the room and walked towards the bed I spent the days resting on. He held out a hand, helping me up. I wobbled slightly, balancing myself properly. And finally, I left the 'prison cell'.
It was only a matter of time before I'd leave this place. Who knows what I'd get up to...

?????'s POV

Recently, I'd been thinking about that girl... (Y/N), is it?
I don't know why the ink demon hasn't killed her yet. She's a strange one indeed.
But there are many things I should be worried about right now, like why I joined Alice...

Sure, the ink demon doesn't appreciate the hard work I do, just so that I could attempt to please him. It takes a good few years for a new human to arrive at this hellhole (not counting the popularity this place has gained recently). To think that I just wait, and wait, and wait for a new sheep to sacrifice, only for the Ink Demon to get rid of me instead made me lose hope.
I honestly don't know why I tried.
Then again, was going to Alice really the best idea?

I know her, very well. I knew her when she was Susie, a loud, outgoing person. Me and her were opposites, but that never stopped us from getting along. Of course I had to work with her, I was a music director in my early twenties, and she was a voice actor in her early twenties.
Before all of this, I actually liked Susie... a lot. And I reckon she felt the same way towards me.
Seeing eachother again like this was awful. She had changed a lot. She used to be a selfless person, but now she was selfish. I mean, the whole plan she had going was only to satisfy her. What were me and Bertrum going to get out of it?

I might reconsider me decision...

(Y/N)'s POV:

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Alice asked, looking at my leg that had almost healed. I nodded at that, wanting to explore.
"Yes, yes, I'll be fine. No need to worry-" I reassured her. And without thinking, I'd just sent an invitation. "You two could join me if you'd like!"

The married couple thought about it, before nodding in sync.
"Seems like a good idea," Said Alice, "that way, it'd be easier for me to keep an eye on you."
After I processed the situation, I immediately regretted it. Honestly, I did appreciate the hospitality, but I didn't want them to fight the Ink Demon or some shit.
But I couldn't just change my mind now. I already said it. Taking it back now would just be rude of me.

"Alright, let's go then." I said, impatiently waiting for everyone to gather their things. Of course, I was already prepared, I had been waiting to leave this place for days now! After a couple of minutes, everyone was ready, and we finally left that prison.

I didn't recognise the area at all, and the hallway full of junk was long. I could tell we were at a different area of the studio.
"Just stay close, and you'll be fine." Alice suggested, walking in front of me. I took put my axe and held it protectively, just in case of any threat.
It was then that I remembered about the butcher gang, specifically Charlie. I wondered what made him not want to harm me, and what that sly smirk was before he left.
He'll definitely be back for sure.

We eventually made it to a boat, which we had to launch into the ink. Tom pulled the lever, dropping the boat halfway down the hill. And after pulling it again, the boat finally landed in the river of ink, leaving splashes of the liquid behind.
We all hopped in the boat and took off. But the journey wasn't the best. The boat kept stopping, since the ink was thick and was jammed in the back of the boat.
We made it through the first tunnel, and Tom, once again, managed to unblock the back of the boat. But before we took off once again, we saw something in the distance. A giant ink hand emerged from the river, dragging something into the ink.
Scared, Alice started to take off again, then the hand began to chase us.

Our main struggle was the boat itself. Every time it stopped, the closer the hand got. To try and help, I crept up to Tom, who was keeping an eye out for the hand to reappear. Unbeknownst to me, I had accidentally scared him. I held out the axe, reading to strike when the hand got to close.
I stayed like that for a while, but the moment I turned to Tom was the moment I was in danger.

Protectively, Tom pushed me behind him, snatched the axe out of my hand and stabbed the hand, causing it to sink into the ink. Thomas slowly turned around and handed the axe back to me. All I could do was stare at him, not being able to process what just happened.
Seeing as I was like this, Tom tilted his head. Once I noticed we were just staring at eachother for an excessive period of time, I cleared my throat and spoke it.
"Thanks..." I said, still in shock. Truth being told, I actually never expected that to happen, and for Tom of all people to save me.

Alice looked at us, from me, to Tom. She smiled at him, thanking him for saving me. Tom nodded, as a reply. And when we finally reached the end, we all hopped out of the boat, feeling relieved we didn't have to worry about any other dangers.!

Word count : 1278 words


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