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Jin stood there gaping like an idiot even after it had been long since Jungkook had left . Jungkook like literally had frowned upon hearing his name . What had he even done , why did the handsome stranger hated him instantly ,it's not like he did something to offend him . He couldn't understand why jungkook just left without saying anything and leaving him behind with his mind a mess . He was lost in thoughts when suddenly he felt a pair of arms snake around his neck . He let out an inhuman shriek and smacked the perpetrator hard . The said person fell on the ground and let out a groan .

''Jin, why do you have to hit so hard '' . He finally saw who the person was who he had smacked,  after his startled haze was somewhat cleared , he saw that it was none other than his idiot friend Sandeul .

''you are asking why do i hit so hard , when it had ought to be you who should have thought before trying to startle me ''. He smaked him on the arm again .

''Okay , okay I got it . Now stop hitting me for god's sake ''. Sandeul whined .

''idiot ''jin said .

''So now when we are over this , will you tell me why was sunbae looking at you like that . Did you poked him with a pencil or something .'' Sandeul joked . He was laughing at the thought which appeared to be amusing him far too much.

So Sandeul had noticed too . He wasn't delusional then and Jungkook sunbae had really looked at him with disdain or hatred in his eyes .

Sandeul and him were friends since when they were basically toddlers . They went to the same elementary , middle and high school . He teased and made fun of Jin quite often but he was the only one who used to fight with the kids who used to bully Jin in middle school and hugged him and whispered sweet nothings into his ear and tried to calm him down when he got histerical after being hit by those bullies . He had presented as an alpha 3months before jin's presentation and had vowed to protect jin now when he was an alpha . He was glad that atleast sandeul was here with him , although his major was music and he would practically have no classes with jin . Atleast he would be in the campus and available to when needed .  

When Jin had presented he hoped to present as an alpha , because that's what his father wanted him to be . But maybe the universe hated him and wanted to take revenge of all the wrongdoings he had done in his previous life , he had presented as an omega at fifteen. Not even a beta but a omega , the weakest of all . His father had been livid with anger that day . He cursed and threw things at Jin when he was delirious with fever and his first heat . He couldn't even give attention to what his father was even saying all the time and nobody could help him either, not even his yoongi hyung who loved him with all his heart because he was an alpha and couldn't come near him as he was an unmated omega in heat . So he had gone through his first heat alone and in extreme pain as there was nobody to tell him what to do . His bones felt like they were going to break and his insides felt like they were melting . He was craving for something which he never knew he wanted in all his fifteen years of existence. As soon as his heat subsided his father had brought home a Doctor and made him start on suppresents because he absolutely could not have an omega son . He threatened him to always keep his disgusting omega identity as an secret or else he would kick out yoongi hyung both from the bussiness and the house . Yoongi was his father's illegitimate son , that's why he could work in the company , help grow the bussiness but not take over when the time came . He couldn't do that to yoongi hyung after watching him working tirelessly for the company for three years . He had accepted his father's deal and started taking suppresents from that day . He had lied to sandeul that he presented and as an alpha . His friend was happy would be an understatement , he was over the moon  but he always worried saying why didn't  Jin smell like anything and there must be some problem with his health . He always felt bad having to lie to his one and only friend but he couldn't really tell him his real subgender with the threat of his father looming over his head . So the only people who knew that jin was actually an omega were his father and brother . He often wondered that maybe things would have been diffrent if his mother was alive . She had died when jin  was 5 years old , he couldn't remember her that clearly but he knew if she was alive she would have definitely stopped his father to take such a step. 

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