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Trigger warning ⚠️
Scenes of bullying.
I seriously condemn bullying.

Seokjin's pov

The ringing of the bell indicated the end of the last class of the day and all students were haphazardly packing their belongings and rushing out of the class to go meet their friends or anywhere they wanted to go. But jin was still in his seat staring at a particular spot on the wall and seemed to be lost in thoughts.

He was thinking about the week which had just gone by and let out an involuntary sigh and slumped on his desk and rested his head on his folded hands. He had imagined all the worst case scenarios that could happen to him before he joined the university from which half of them were already proving true.

When he had been bullied in high school he had thought that once high school will end he will be freed from the constant physical and mental abuse . But little did he know that Dong Daehyun who was the ring leader of the group which had made his life a living hell in high school will be joining the same University as him and make him his prime target . He and his little group of friends in which some seniors were also included found pleasure in beating up people who appeared to be weaker so that they could feel powerful . Jin seemed to be their favourite target.

As soon as Daehyun had seen him he had his eyes set on him and had vowed to make his life a living hell again. Daehyun and his minions appeared everywhere he went and along with them their disgusting comments and Snickers followed . They commented on his appearance, his lack of smell to practically everything. They called him names because he didn't apper manly enough to them . He heard everything and every time his heart shattered to pieces but he chose not to react cause he knew he couldn't win a fight with them and he was outnumbered as well . He kept quiet and listened to every insult and rumour they spread about him .

No one opposed to them and quiet enjoyed themselves on his expense . When there insults seemed to have no effect to him they started following the good old physical abuse. Daehyun and his gang started to hit him and even then no one stopped them for they were scared of them . Many times three people beat him at once and he practically had to crawl his way to his dorm .

He was exhausted both physically and mentally but there was no light in sight for him to follow . It was as if was stranded on a island with ocean so huge that nothing was visible other than water to miles and miles to follow . Many a days he thought to to just give up and end it all but then he always remembered yoongi hyungs words that he was stronger than this. His situation with jungkook hyung and taehyung hyung had not improved at all in this one week that had gone by. He had tried very hard to avoid them both as jungkook hyung had made clear that he was not welcomed but on the weekend when he had received a particularly hard beating from Daehyun he had not expected both of them to be present at the dorm and see him in that condition. He was mortified to let them see how pathetic he was and had instantly locked himself in the bathroom .

He had then called yoongi hyung after fixing his appearance and went with him for the weekend and returned staright to classes without going to the dorms . Now that he thought of that his stomach was growling with hunger and he decided to eat something. He packed his things and got out of the classroom head bent down as he didn't want anyone to see him as he was not ready to face all of the shit again.

He was walking towards the cafeteria when he felt a hand on his shoulder and he let out a inhumane shriek and jumped up in the air from fright . He immediately heard Snickers and giggles which were oddly familiar and turned around to find Daehyun with his friends laughing .

"Look who we have here , isn't it our alpha princess who gets terrified by just a touch . Where were all weekend loser we missed you . We couldn't find anyone to entertain ourselves " , Daehyun said in a very irritating baby voice.

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