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Someone was screaming , a particularly annoying noise which comes when a fork is being scratched on a surface . Jin couldn't fanthom who had the audacity to do that in the dead of the night . He wanted to get up and tell the person to shut the fuck up because the screams were starting to build up the dormant migraine whose medication he had taken before going to bed . But his limbs were feeling like lead and even if he wanted to get up he couldn't make his limbs to move . He could feel his consciousness slowly creeping back to him and he awoke with a start . His pajama shirt and his fringe was wet with cold sweat and and if his hoarse throat could give any other indication he was the one who was screaming .

His bedroom was pitch dark , the only light source being the large glass wall in the living room from which moonlight was slightly visible on the entrance of his bedroom door . Sitting up made him remember all the joints in his body which he wasn't aware of till this moment and his body was paining as if he had ran a marathon before going to bed . He glanced at the alarm clock which flashed 3:00 AM in it's radium lighting . He involuntarily let out a sigh . Always the same time always the same dream , as if his body was a living alarm clock . Everytime he had a nightmare he always woke up at the same time in the night gasping and screaming . The same face , the same hands with the cane , the same person making him remember how great of a failure he was and how he had brought nothing other than shame to his family . A lone tear drop falls from his eyes remembering the harsh words of his father in his nightmares. He blinks back tears and takes a deep breath . There was absolutely no point in going back to sleep because he could no longer sleep peacefully so he decides to make himself a cup of his favorite cinnamon tea which always helps calm his nerves when his mind is all over the place .

His penthouse suite is eerily quite which is a given when only one person lives in such a giant space . He heads straight to the kitchen , he is barefoot and hence his feet make no noise when he approaches the kitchen counter . He starts the warm water and pours it in mug with the tea bag . He takes the tea in his hands and heads over to the glass wall in his living room from han river is visible . He likes the scenery from here . Even when it is the dead of the night the city is still pretty much alive . Cars are running on the roads like little balls of light . The street lights are lighting the roads even more and the Han river is reflecting the lights on it's water like a giant mirror . He tries to think of happy memories to calm himself , his mother baking him cookies , his yoongi hyung laughing showing his gums on some wierd dad joke that he said , his friend sandeul falling on his butt in the ice skating ring . Thinking of all these memories finally lessens the throbbing in his head and calms his thundering heartbeat . He dosen't know when he falls asleep sitting on his living room floor , but he knows his back is going to hurt like a bitch when he wakes up in the morning .

He wakes up to the sound of his doorbell ringing . His back hurts like hell when he tries to get up and he prays to all the gods available to help him . He heads over to the door where the person outside is getting slightly impatient with furious knocking . If the smell of green apples is not introduction enough the date and time indicate that the person is none other than his yoongi hyung .

When he finally opens the door he is met with a sleepy alpha . He is wearing a black hoodie and black ripped jeans , yoongi and his love for black . Once his eyes meet Jin's he is given a full once over .
''Are we going to stand on the door the whole day or are you going to move over little brother '' , yoongi says .

Jin gets flustered but moves over to give yoongi space so he could get inside .
''why are still in your pajamas Jin , I woke up from my lovely sleep in the crack of dawn to take you to your university only to find you roaming in the house still in your fucking pajamas '' , yoongi whines and unconsiously pouts which does not go with the bad boy image he always tries to potray .
Yoongi's statement made him realize that the day he was dreading was finally today and all color drained from his face . Seeing the expression on his face Yoongi comes closer putting a hand on his shoulder and tries to comfort him . The dilema that was going inside his head must have been given away by his facial expression .

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