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Taehyung's pov

Tae has always been someone who was way too curious about everything around him. He was extremely expressive and energetic in his childhood and would often talk about aliens and random stuff, but children of his age often described him as weird or way too clingy and steered clear of him. His parents often left him alone in his house as they both were businessmen and had to travel all the time for meetings. He used his chatty nature to compensate for the loneliness in his life. He wanted to make friends but nobody wanted to befriend the freak. Freak that's what they called him. He was bullied because he was not like them. 

But everyone is supposed to have a breaking point. All of the bullying and not getting support from his parents took a huge toll on his mental health. The Kim Taehyung who would constantly blabber about anything and everything became quiet and the child whose face showed myriad of emotions became expressionless. He stopped trying to make friends as nobody wanted to befriend him. He lost hope to find even a single person who would understand him. He became empty inside. His parents could care less as they also were often annoyed by the personality of their son. So the drastic change in his attitude was welcomed by them as according to them alphas were supposed to be quiet and charismatic. They often used to lecture him about how an alpha is supposed to act and how they were disappointed in him about the way he acted. He withdrew in his shell and stopped talking altogether. The happy child now as an adult gave an aura of a cold, expressionless person. Now also people steered clear of him but the reason now was being fear. People were now scared to approach him. When he presented as an alpha his aura was even stronger. His peers got intimidated by him. 

But like a miracle, his life changed completely the moment he met an enigma named Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook was very different from the people he had met so far. He didn't pretend nor he was afraid of anything. He challenged everything he thought was unfair or wrong. He didn't care if the person in front of him was rich or influential, and by the looks of it, he had a very strong dislike for rich people. So imagine his surprise when they were paired for a project together and Jungkook seemed to hold his prejudice against him too. But he was successful in changing Jungkook's view after spending some time with him. They became friends after that project. He was wary of Jungkook at first as he didn't really have good experiences with people but as he said before Jungkook was different.

Jungkook brought traces of his personality that he had so desperately tried to hide to save himself from getting hurt. But he didn't feel the need to pretend in front of Jungkook. He didn't know why he could feel so confident that he could be the real him. It didn't take long for them to fall in love. Jungkook was so gentle for being an alpha, he listened which was a trait many of the others lacked. He didn't know he could love someone so dearly only after being with the said person for such a small period of time, but it just happened. They were the talk of the university, two very hot guys in a relationship bot being alphas. It was obvious some won't understand and make fun of them. But they endured and Jungkook like an angel he has supported him through everything.  He regained some of his playful attitude but only in front of the love of his life, his bunny.


Present time:

Jin had been unconscious the whole night. He had been watching over him since the moment he passed out on him in the corridor. Even Jungkook who claimed to hate his guts was worried for him. He had checked Jin's body for any injuries to treat and he was horrified with what he found. Scars, like never-ending scars littered whole of his torso, some even looked years older. Jin's body looked frail, with his ribs literally poking out of his body. Seeing his state he felt sorry for him and slightly guilty with the way Jungkook was treating him and him not not doing anything about it. Jin looked someone who should be handled with care and maybe love. He looked too fragile to be an alpha.

Ever since jin had entered their life he had been observing. He appeared to timid, shoulder's caved in as if he was protecting himself from the outside world. Moreover he looked miserable, like he was fed up with his life. He had observed his face when Jungkook had said those mean words to him. He didn't get angry, he was sad and one thing he was sure of was reading people's faces. Jin was definitely hiding some secret. Ever since he started living with he had been avoiding them like plague. But that day when he saw his disheveled expression, a foreign type of feeling coursed his body. A feeling to protect him and when he had watched his boyfriend he knew he was not the only one who had felt that.

It was early in the morning when he heard groans from Jin's bed. He hurriedly ran towards him and saw Jin was waking up. Jungkook also came to look. Jin opened his eyes and he looked quite confused watching his surroundings. His gaze then fell on us and he was startled.

Maybe everything started coming back to him to hum and he sat up straight abruptly and winced as his stomach must have hurt.

"Hey easy there Jin, you were hurt just yesterday", Taehyung tried to sooth Jin who appeared to be terrified out of his mind.

When Taehyung's hand touched Jin's shoulder his eyes widened and blush coated his pale cheeks. In that moment taehyung only had one thought in mind that Jin was beautiful.

Hello my readers, it's been a long time since I last updated hasn't it. But I have been busy with University.
Thanks to everyone who read and liked my story. I will surely update when I have time.😘😘

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