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Jin woke up to the sound of somebody tripping over his legs . His brain took some time to process what was happening around and the memories of the previous night started to come down to him . He sleepily opened his eyes and found somebody sprawled on the floor in front of him. The person was clutching his knee and colourful curses were coming out of his mouth . When he felt Jin's gaze on him he looked up to stare at him .

The person in front of him literally looked like an angel , with soft plump lips , blond hair , soft features and overall beautiful aura . He was emiting a soft vanilla smell which indicated that he was an omega . Jin extended his hand to help him up as it was a polite thing to do as it was because of Jin was that the blond boy tripped .

He excepted jin's hand and watched him curiously for some time when he stood up . He was wearing sport wear so he must have been going for a workout . It was still pretty dark outside and the sun was not up yet .

Jin glanced at the clock hanging behind the reception desk . It read 5 a.m , he was looking around the lobby when he felt an intense gaze on him . He turned and found that the omega hadn't left yet .

''Hi , my name is Park Jimin , second year dance major, nice to meet you'' , jimin said and extended a hand . Such a beautiful name for a beautiful person .

He shook his hand and said , ''I am Kim Seokjin , first year business major , nice to meet you too'' .

Jimin smiled at him and said '' if you don't mind me asking what are you doing here , I mean why are sleeping here , all first years get their room nos. on the first day , did you lose your room key or couldn't find your room '' .

Jimin was watching him waiting for a reply but what was he gonna say , he couldn't say that his roomates hated him and slammed the door on his face that is why he is forced to sleep here . He was so embarresed and sad about what happened yesterday . He couldn't find the reason that why was jungkook was so quick to judge him and assume that he was a bad person . He knew that everybody in the university knew he was Kim Sunghoon's son and his financial status was not hidden from anybody as he was shown to the outside world as his father's trophy son , but to join being wealthy and being arrogant together was not something he expected on his first day here . His yoongi hyung always told him that he was too kind for his own good but here he was judged so easily based on who his father was , only if they knew how was he was treated by his father then nobody would call him a rich snob . He wanted to curl up in a ball and cry his heart out on the unfairness of jungkook . He didn't do anything to him then also jungkook hated him , literally everybody hated him , why was he such a failure as a son , a alpha and even a normal human being .

A whimper which was not at all like the alpha facade he was projecting was so close to being emitted out of his throat but he managed to tame it down . He was not going to blow off his alpha cover after just one of arriving here . He was seemingly lost in thought when he felt somebody waving his hand infront of his face . HE looked at jimin who was eyeing him both in amusement and a hint of concern .

''Back to earth seokjin-ssi , Sorry if i offended you somehow , i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable by asking so many questions at once'' , jimin said .

Jin felt a pang in his heart by jimin's words . Jimin offended him, like seriously he was the first person who had talked to him without anger or judgement in his eyes .

'' No jimin-ssi you didn't offend me any way , what even gave you that idea'' , jin said to ease the frown on the face of the sweetest person he had met today .

''No need to be this formal seokjin-ah , call me hyung and I assumed that I had somehow offeneded you because after I asked why were you sleeping here you became uncomfortable and got lost in thoughts . So since I am not the reason for you being uncomfortable them tell me the reason why are you here '' jimin asked with a smile .

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