It could happend to anyone

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It was a tough day for Jethro, he had woken up with a headache due to his ear infection and it didn't help that it was raining and cold. But his idiot brain decided to go to work anyways. He had just saved a girl wich had been by the flags but ended up in backpackers rip. Reidy and Corey was up in the buggy waiting for him to come up. Concern building in both of them since Jethro couldn't even walk without almost falling over. suddenly he just collapsed. They both ran over to him and helped him into the buggy and informed the tower about what had happend so Maxi and Harrison switched with them. Reidy helped Jethro over  to the medical bed and asked him what happend. Jethro explained about the headache and that it wasn't that painful when he woke up.

Corey decided to send Jethro home with a pat on the back and a few encouraging words "It could happen to anyone" , and Reidy decided to join him so he could help take care of him.  Jethro didn't even protest, cause he saw Reidy as a father figure since his biological father left when he was younger. (Tho he will never tell him thet he sees him as a father)

"Come on Jeff, I am driving you home and then staying with you to help you. Don't try to protest." Reidy said while they were walking towards the locker room. They got they're stuff and walked towards the car.

Once they arrived at Jethro's apartment, Reidy put they're stuff in the hallway.

"Go find comfy clothes and go take a shower and I will make you something to eat and warm to drink." Reidy said as he walked towards the kitchen. Jethro got into the shower and felt a bit better. After a while of just standing there under the warm water he got out and got dressed.

He walked into the kitchen and saw that Reidy had made food and hot chocolate. He smiled at Reidy when he looked at him. He sat down and started to eat slowly. He had always seen Reidy as a father figure, the other lifeguards tease him about it but, Reidy has never heard them or he has but hasn't mentioned it. He wanted to ask him but, decided against it.

Once he had finished eating, Reidy had done the dishes and led Jethro to his bed. He tucked him in and dragged his fingers trough Jethro's hair. Jethro was almost asleep at this point so Reid got up to go sleep on the couch, when Jethro's voice stopped him "Night, Dad" Reidy just smiled and answered "Night, son".

Once Jethro woke up, he was having troubles remembering how he got in to the bed. Suddenly he remebered and felt like he wanted to sink into the floor. He had called Reidy "DAD"! He walked out into the living room where Reidy was on his phone, he looked up once he heard footsteps and pointed towards the kitchen where there were breakfast. 

Jethro decided to talk to him about calling him dad, so he finished his breakfast and sat down besides Reidy.

"Sorry for calling you dad.." Reidy started to laugh, Jethro just looked confused.

"I literally called you Son right after, I have seen you as a son since you joined and I found you up in that tower kiddo." Jethro just smiled at that, Reidy brought him in for a hug. 

And if they had started calling eachother dad and son then nobody mentions it, not even Jeff's mother.

And if Reidy's children start seeing Jethro as a big brother as they grow up and Reidy's wife see him as a son as well nobody expect the lifeguards and Jeff's mother needed to know that.

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